Today’s Shooting (an ongoing topic)

Pennsylvania Woman Orders Groceries Via Instacart Then Tells Her Husband She Thinks There’s an Intruder Outside, He Shoots Driver Within Seconds with ‘No Verbal Confrontation’​


Apologies for making light of this but that is almost comically absurd. "I'm going in". Gets shot. Times 7. On a more positive note, these are the type cops we need showing up at school shootings, not a small army of "Hm. Let me think about it for a bit."
This shooting happened about seven weeks ago (so, not "today's shooting"), and the one person involved did not live to tell about it. Or go to trial. He was a former police detective in a state of disgrace, facing some serious charges for being a sack of turds, and decided he did not want to go to court.

Why now? Because the gun he used was stolen. An ex-cop had to freaking steal a gun.