Good point by Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe this morning; Rittenhouse is literally the caricature 2A advocates fight against. Yet, here they are celebrating him. I mean, he even admitted on the stand he just wanted the gun because it “looked cool”.
The 2A folks have dropped the pretense of carrying about safe and legal gun ownership - which was always a ruse anyways - and are now just in favor “let whoever has the gun be the last person standing”. They don’t care about gun safety or education, they don’t care about responsible ownership.
There was a time in this country when everyone would have seen Rittenhouse as a menace, guilty of being criminally irresponsible at the very least.
But ever since this country elected a black man as president, senseless killings of people of color are warranted, and if you’re there supporting people of color, you are just as disposable as well.
*Seems he already sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson
. He professes to back the BLM… yeah right. I don’t blame him for doing an interview or trying to repair his image, but time will tell how this plays out. I don’t wish him ill will. He’s a misguided youth. But if you’re trying to gain sympathy, you’re not going to do it by sitting with someone who preaches replacement theory.