Air fryer thinks I'm a predictable dullard

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
Every time I power it on it's set to the perfect settings for frozen taquitos. Sure, that's exactly right, but fuck you. That's not all I eat! I grow my own herbs and vegetables FFS! Sorry if they more frequently hit the more tradational pot or pan, or God forbid the Instapot, but I do have eating diversity! I'm just not a cooking method slut.

This post either helps or hurts my run for Congress. Depending on the state.
I have yet to succumb to the occasional urge to buy an air fryer. I'm tempted though, since there are fried things I like that would probably be not unhealthful if done that way instead of via traditional methods. Also, so far, I do get lost in the array of options when shopping around online, and so end up shrugging this option back to the "maybe some day" list.
We used ours twice today (morning and just a few ago) :D

We just got one of the generic brand $70 products, it was replaced once for free right at a year after purchase, no charge, and that same replacement has been running another 3 or so years (since 2018).
I have yet to succumb to the occasional urge to buy an air fryer. I'm tempted though, since there are fried things I like that would probably be not unhealthful if done that way instead of via traditional methods. Also, so far, I do get lost in the array of options when shopping around online, and so end up shrugging this option back to the "maybe some day" list.
It has become our toaster oven replacement as well air fryer.
It has become our toaster oven replacement as well air fryer.

I have the combo toaster oven air fryer and use it for an oven replacement for a couple of reasons. Our oven takes forever to preheat compared to about 1 minute for the toaster oven air fryer. Our oven thermostat was off by about 75 degrees (that wasn't a typo) and I was only able to calibrate it to a 30 degree difference. So adding those 2 issues, it takes forever to preheat to a temperature 45 degrees less than what the setting says. F all that.
I have the combo toaster oven air fryer and use it for an oven replacement for a couple of reasons. Our oven takes forever to preheat compared to about 1 minute for the toaster oven air fryer. Our oven thermostat was off by about 75 degrees (that wasn't a typo) and I was only able to calibrate it to a 30 degree difference. So adding those 2 issues, it takes forever to preheat to a temperature 45 degrees less than what the setting says. F all that.

I'm sorta familiar with the idea of having to adjust to behavior of certain appliances, or else just rebooting to a newer or different kind. My toaster tends not to toast all four sides of the slices evenly no matter what I do, so I end up choosing a lighter setting and going twice, flipping the slices before the second round. I dislike all toasters enough not to bother getting a different one... yet.

The only appliance I'm completely happy with is my coffee bean grinder which is old but still gets the job done . Even my electric kettle annoys me since it shuts off the instant, but the INSTANT, the water comes to a boil. I'd like it to boil a bit longer sometimes, like when I haven't filtered the tap water. o_O
I'm sorta familiar with the idea of having to adjust to behavior of certain appliances, or else just rebooting to a newer or different kind. My toaster tends not to toast all four sides of the slices evenly no matter what I do, so I end up choosing a lighter setting and going twice, flipping the slices before the second round. I dislike all toasters enough not to bother getting a different one... yet.

The only appliance I'm completely happy with is my coffee bean grinder which is old but still gets the job done . Even my electric kettle annoys me since it shuts off the instant, but the INSTANT, the water comes to a boil. I'd like it to boil a bit longer sometimes, like when I haven't filtered the tap water. o_O

I'm used to making mental adjustments for appliances too, but our oven seriously takes like a half-hour minimum to preheat and utility bills aren't exactly getting cheaper.
I'm used to making mental adjustments for appliances too, but our oven seriously takes like a half-hour minimum to preheat and utility bills aren't exactly getting cheaper.

Yeah I get that. My range/oven is by Kalamazoo, which quit making electric stoves in 1952, although they supplied parts for a long time after. Anyway when I bought my place here in the 80s, there was no range so I went up to the farm where my sister and brother in law lived and scouted around in a storage area in one of their older barns for an electric stove that they said still worked when they moved it out there after buying a bigger range for their own kitchen. They tested the circuits (and I do still test them myself, frequently) and that checked out fine so we hauled it down here and stuck it in my kitchen "to wear it out".

So far it resists croaking, all the elements still work fine, but I don't trust it to maintain an even temperature for fine baking, not that I'm much of a baker anyway. It gets the job done for broiling stuff or making ordinary entrees. I'd never leave it overnight making something like slow-baked beans. If it quit in the middle of that, I'd have to ditch the project with no clue how long it sat with half-cooked beans starting to compost themselves...