As Colleges Move Classes Online, Families Rebel Against the Cost


Site Champ
Aug 14, 2020

After Southern California’s soaring coronavirus caseload forced Chapman University this month to abruptly abandon plans to reopen its campus and shift to an autumn of all-remote instruction, the school promised that students would still get a “robust Chapman experience.”

“What about a robust refund?” Christopher Moore, a spring graduate, retorted on Facebook.

A parent chimed in.

“We are paying a lot of money for tuition, and our students are not getting what we paid for,” wrote Shannon Carducci, whose youngest child, Ally, is a sophomore at Chapman, in Orange County, where the cost of attendance averages $65,000 a year
parents do indeed have a point here, the schools are NOT wasting as much resources , at the same time the saving from not having class on campus may not amount to what parents think they should pay.
for the record I am happy my daughters classes are ALL online this semester, hope next semester is the same to a degree and I do see her point of view, in her field (animation) networking is how you get the jobs, hard to do that when doing everything through zoom.

parents do indeed have a point here, the schools are NOT wasting as much resources , at the same time the saving from not having class on campus may not amount to what parents think they should pay.
for the record I am happy my daughters classes are ALL online this semester, hope next semester is the same to a degree and I do see her point of view, in her field (animation) networking is how you get the jobs, hard to do that when doing everything through zoom.

Cost of courses are not high because of operational costs (which is a consequence) but because everything is beefed up by government guaranteed loans. If you want to lower college costs you need first the government to stop paying colleges and school loans lenders whatever they ask for.
I won’t even go into the fact that “not everyone needs a Masters” topic for now...

parents do indeed have a point here, the schools are NOT wasting as much resources , at the same time the saving from not having class on campus may not amount to what parents think they should pay.
for the record I am happy my daughters classes are ALL online this semester, hope next semester is the same to a degree and I do see her point of view, in her field (animation) networking is how you get the jobs, hard to do that when doing everything through zoom.

The sad fact is that although it makes sense to lower fees for online classes, online classes have always cost more to take. I’ve never figured out why. My entire doctoral program is online, with only residency being done in person. I have a nephew who’s a junior (I think) in college now. Prior to the pandemic he had expressed that he would rather take his classes online because he didn’t care for instructors who did things like make him take his ballcap off in the classroom. 🙄 So now he got his wish and is taking all his classes online - but the fees haven’t changed.
Cost of courses are not high because of operational costs (which is a consequence) but because everything is beefed up by government guaranteed loans.

The people: How does the government spend our tax dollars?
The government: More money or less money.
The people: Based on positive measurable results?
The government: Not at all.
The People: WTF?
The government: Exactly.
OMG! My VERY FIRST post on this forum and somehow manage to post it in the thread! Sorry.
It would be nice for a refund or lower costs but unless we never want to go back to non-online teaching the property, buildings and infrastructure still need to be maintained and kept secure. I don't know if turning off/down the AC/heat and the lights would save enough to justify a significant enough of a cost savings to bother with a refund.