Backing Tracks - Make your own :)


Sep 4, 2022
I don't have the time to make many backing tracks these days, but I still got ya covered:)
Stemroller is an app that separates an mp3 into bass, drums, vocals, other stems. It uses an AI called Demucs(developed by Facebook) and works really well. If you don't have the mp3, you can search in the app and it will pull the mp3 from YouTube. Check it out...

Warning! Separating mp3s into stems takes quite a bit of cpu. A song can take from 15 min to an hour, depending on your specs. I usually just queue a bunch of songs and leave it overnight.

If your computer is too old, it may not be able to handle this process. If that's the case, try this site. You can upload your mp3 and the processing is done on the server side. Just be sure to choose Demucs 3 (Model B) as the separation type.
Wow, the tech has really come along here hasn't it? Much easier to simply strip the part you want rather then rebuilding the entire song.
There's a huge community out there that use these tools. DJs especially. Also, they are used for remixing, but I think they make great backing tracks as well. Plus, you can use this on anything. Got an old recording but you wanna change the guitar tone used, no problem.

I have tested pretty much all the different apps and I've found those based on demucs give the best results. Stay away from the spleeter models. They may be faster, but the results are not so good.
I don't have the time to make many backing tracks these days, but I still got ya covered:)
Stemroller is an app that separates an mp3 into bass, drums, vocals, other stems. It uses an AI called Demucs(developed by Facebook) and works really well. If you don't have the mp3, you can search in the app and it will pull the mp3 from YouTube. Check it out...

Warning! Separating mp3s into stems takes quite a bit of cpu. A song can take from 15 min to an hour, depending on your specs. I usually just queue a bunch of songs and leave it overnight.

If your computer is too old, it may not be able to handle this process. If that's the case, try this site. You can upload your mp3 and the processing is done on the server side. Just be sure to choose Demucs 3 (Model B) as the separation type.
Thats excellent! I remember you saying you were getting into machine learning BT creation a while back. I take it this, is that evolved :)

Not a recommend but I have found some great multitracks on remix packs. Ethically its wrong and its also a russian site so some might want to give it a miss. But hearing the original lets go crazy, a bunch of Michael Jackson tunes and many others - with real hidden gems in the tracks made it a wonderful experience for me. The stems are mainy rockband rips but still really good for getting better isolation to hear guitar parts etc. The real multitracks are great!
Seems like YT has a lot of them now as well, was able to find all I was looking for already there, Molly Hatchet, Satch Boogie, etc. You have to admit though we were pioneers way back when with backing tracks, podgod was pretty much the go to for any and all of it. I'm sure this tool is a welcome break lol but man you sure created some fantastic tracks.