Being A Competent Theist, TA Addition


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Aug 11, 2020
Reflections After The Trump Trajedy 2021
Now that it’s the aftermath of the Trump plague (fingers crossed), it’s very interesting the support Donald Trump got from organized Christian religions and Christians themselves. How could this possibly be?

It’s like inviting the Wolf to preside over the sheep, or the Fox to guard the hen house. So much for Christian judgement at least as far as the leaders who broke bad for Trump. Were they wise, with good judgement or just flawed, corrupt seekers of power? I mean who invites Beelzebub to be an inspiration for your church? 👀

Most revealing is a simple fact that most Christians either do not want to acknowledge that during his life of all the things that Jesus was reported as saying in the gospels, he never said believe in me or you’ll go to hell, nor did he ever advocate a split from Judaism. If you want to take him at his word he never said, Judiasm has it all wrong about God, create a new church in my name, and while your at it make up some new rules that differentiates Christianity from Judaism, with my blessing.

So this man was a Jew fighting for everyday people, and imo, what we have here is just another chapter of men trying to rule and hold power over others based on one of the historical sources of power among ancient humans, the diety who lives in the sky and becoming God’s mouthpiece, for fun, power, control, and personal wealth, It was those who came after Jesus, Catholic the first, who decided to cash in and create a new church in the continuous struggle for their personal power over the sheep. Thoughts?
How many Christians believe their religion is something completely original? Judaism and Paganism was established, Christ was a Jew, never advocated a new church, and so after he passed, his followers decided to create a new religion in his name. So besides Jews who may not want to drop their teachings, how do you convert Pagans? The cynical will say copy and convert what has worked before.

Christianity has Paganism written all over it and the sooner it is acknowledged the better... for Christians and everyone. An excellent article. This does not mean you should not have faith and spirituality, but it helps with perspective of what you are believing in, imo.

The Pagan Roots of Easter​

Easter is a pagan festival. If Easter isn't really about Jesus, then what is it about? Today, we see a secular culture celebrating the spring equinox, whilst religious culture celebrates the resurrection. However, early Christianity made a pragmatic acceptance of ancient pagan practises, most of which we enjoy today at Easter. The general symbolic story of the death of the son (sun) on a cross (the constellation of the Southern Cross) and his rebirth, overcoming the powers of darkness, was a well worn story in the ancient world. There were plenty of parallel, rival resurrected saviours too.

The Sumerian goddess Inanna, or Ishtar, was hung naked on a stake, and was subsequently resurrected and ascended from the underworld. One of the oldest resurrection myths is Egyptian Horus. Born on 25 December, Horus and his damaged eye became symbols of life and rebirth. Mithraswas born on what we now call Christmas day, and his followers celebrated the spring equinox. Even as late as the 4th century AD, the sol invictus, associated with Mithras, was the last great pagan cult the church had to overcome. Dionysus was a divine child, resurrected by his grandmother. Dionysus also brought his mum, Semele, back to life

All the fun things about Easter are pagan. Bunnies are a leftover from the pagan festival of Eostre, a great northern goddess whose symbol was a rabbit or hare. Exchange of eggs is an ancient custom, celebrated by many cultures. Hot cross buns are very ancient too. In the Old Testament we see the Israelites baking sweet buns for an idol, and religious leaders trying to put a stop to it. The early church clergy also tried to put a stop to sacred cakes being baked at Easter. In the end, in the face of defiant cake-baking pagan women, they gave up and blessed the cake instead.
God and Satan.

If God is more powerful, shouldn’t he win every time? Do you think he sometimes allows Satan to win? If so, why? If Satan wins on his own, then he is as powerful as God. If God is allowing him to win, what kind of god is he?

Why is God always the one who gets thanked and Satan is always the one to get blamed if God is more powerful than Satan? Surely God can prevent Satan from doing the things that are blame-worthy.

Free Will

Do diseases have free will? Does God allow Satan to inflict some with disease while protecting others? The good and bad are equally affected by disease.


When you say “please, God, let my team win,” is that the same as asking him to damn the other team to failure?

If you pray for healing and don’t go to the doctor, do you not believe that “God helps those who help themselves?”

Is anyone out there?

If God is truly all powerful and allows Satan to win even once, does it means that either he is not all powerful or he has abandoned humanity?
God and Satan.

If God is more powerful, shouldn’t he win every time? Do you think he sometimes allows Satan to win? If so, why? If Satan wins on his own, then he is as powerful as God. If God is allowing him to win, what kind of god is he?

Why is God always the one who gets thanked and Satan is always the one to get blamed if God is more powerful than Satan? Surely God can prevent Satan from doing the things that are blame-worthy.

Free Will

Do diseases have free will? Does God allow Satan to inflict some with disease while protecting others? The good and bad are equally affected by disease.


When you say “please, God, let my team win,” is that the same as asking him to damn the other team to failure?

If you pray for healing and don’t go to the doctor, do you not believe that “God helps those who help themselves?”

Is anyone out there?

If God is truly all powerful and allows Satan to win even once, does it means that either he is not all powerful or he has abandoned humanity?
I’m going to tune into the 6th season of Lucifer tomorrow on Netflix for the answer to these and other pressing questions! :cool:
God and Satan.

If God is more powerful, shouldn’t he win every time? Do you think he sometimes allows Satan to win? If so, why? If Satan wins on his own, then he is as powerful as God. If God is allowing him to win, what kind of god is he?

Why is God always the one who gets thanked and Satan is always the one to get blamed if God is more powerful than Satan? Surely God can prevent Satan from doing the things that are blame-worthy.

Free Will

Do diseases have free will? Does God allow Satan to inflict some with disease while protecting others? The good and bad are equally affected by disease.


When you say “please, God, let my team win,” is that the same as asking him to damn the other team to failure?

If you pray for healing and don’t go to the doctor, do you not believe that “God helps those who help themselves?”

Is anyone out there?

If God is truly all powerful and allows Satan to win even once, does it means that either he is not all powerful or he has abandoned humanity?

Based on a premise that the Christian God exists:
If God is more powerful, shouldn’t he win every time? Do you think he sometimes allows Satan to win? If so, why? If Satan wins on his own, then he is as powerful as God. If God is allowing him to win, what kind of god is he?

According to Christianity, God has to be the ultimate in power. If Satan wins, it is because God let’s it, which would indicate an agenda that Christianity does not recognize. My opinion, based on the premise, The Earth Simulator is the place to learn something. Hell, as purported by the Bible God and the Devil hobnob over high tea, and go bowling on Weds. God is good cop, the Devil, bad cop. ;)

Why is God always the one who gets thanked and Satan is always the one to get blamed if God is more powerful than Satan? Surely God can prevent Satan from doing the things that are blame-worthy.

Previous answer. Christians get a little too wrapped up on the idea of Satan as the external trickster, when in reality the Devil should be internalized as our worse half, not an external entity that defies God’s will… prosterous, non-sensical, it’s us In defiance.

Do diseases have free will? Does God allow Satan to inflict some with disease while protecting others? The good and bad are equally affected by disease.

The Earth Simulator is The Jungle. Too many bad things happen to good people and vice a versa. Who cares? The real reward is in Heaven.

When you say “please, God, let my team win,” is that the same as asking him to damn the other team to failure?

A selfish shortcoming of Christian logic. We are selfish.

If you pray for healing and don’t go to the doctor, do you not believe that “God helps those who help themselves?”

Apparently not. Breakdown in logic, such as I don’t wear a mask cause God did not make me with one, freaking Idiocy.

If God is truly all powerful and allows Satan to win even once, does it means that either he is not all powerful or he has abandoned humanity?

A previous answer. In essence we learn through trial and temptation even if the Devil is completely internal. How Devilish are we? How good do we want to be, can we be?

One other thing, being good can’t be under the threat of punishment to mean anything. This is one of Christianity’s primary flaws, it’s an ancient idea. Being good only counts when it is based on free will, wanting to. Being just a good follower, for fear of punishment, does not cut it in my book.