Climate Shift Index


Mama's lil stinker
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
This is an interesting look at climate change that looks at the Climate Shift Index, while we have heat waves and cool downs annually, climate shift is something entirely different.


The Climate Shift Index® indicates how climate change has altered the frequency of daily temperatures in any location around the world, every day.

Worth noting is that during the last ice age the global average temperature was only 3 degrees cooler than it currently is. In the last 100 years the earth has warmed up by 2 degrees (1 degrees Celsius) and prior to that the gradual shift has been taking place for hundreds of years, which is how we know this is manmade.

At this point it seems like the damage is done and with new records being broken daily, long before the height of the hottest summer months, it seems like we're in the middle of what we expected for our children or grand kids.
"DRILL, BABY, DRILL" and "Republicans will increase Energy Production across the board, streamline permitting, and end market-distorting restrictions on Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal."

Direct quotes from the draft 2024 GOP platform.
What makes it hard for people to understand is "three degrees". I am not sure I could tell the difference between 86°F and 89°F, or 22°F and 25°F, but the picture is much more complicated than a uniform increase in warmth. Some regions are getting hit harder than others.

One of the more important effects is temperatures causing changes in local weather patterns, like warming in Brazil caused by jungle clearing that is stalling systems offshore so that the rainforest is not getting enough rain. Or the rotting icepack in Greenland that could stall the Atlantic current (by lowering salinity) and cause climatic chaos in Ireland, Britain and parts of Europe.

But we cannot explain these things to regular people, who have simply been conditioned to want moar. And we cannot seize the oil industry and take their profits in order to use them to fix problems, because, reasons. It looks like the only solution here is societal collapse: there is just too damn much inertia.
I've seen CNN post some clueless crap in the past but this one takes the cake.

This says "if you are looking for an image, it was probably deleted"
It was CNN telling people the things they could do to help mitigate global warming, with a comment underneath by someone else noting that 100 corporations are causing 71% of the problem. It is exactly like that old ad with Espera di Corti dressed up as an indian standing in front of a river filled with trash, shedding a tear: we have to rebuke you and me for littering so that businesses can continue to produce tons of crap for us to be responsible for dealing with – garbage is not their problem, and we are not allowed to ask them to be less trashy, especially if it impacts their bottom line.
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