Comfort food

You can get Sahlen’s hot dogs at Wegmans if they have one near you, and maybe at Harris Teeter depending on the location. They are the hot dogs used by Ted’s... grilling them on charcoal at home will give you that same flavor. If you like Loganberry drink, I don’t know where you can get that.....
I subscribed to the Philadelphia Inquirer during the run-up to elections and have enjoyed the paper's non political sections as well... focused on FOOD, of couse, as well as on other topics.

Anyway for lots of people during the pandemic it's been hard to settle for pantry goods that can be delivered by the likes of Amazon or Walmart, and in Philadelphia some enterprising folks have managed to engage in alternatives to restaurant dining by doing pop-up feasts or in extending knowledge of fresh foods and where to get them (yeah, even delivered locally).

“Amongst certain crowds, seafood is something that you eat if you’re fancy. And that is not true in my experience in working-class communities, especially working-class communities of color. It’s a thing that people eat even if they’re really cash-strapped.”

So this former community organizer and South Philly science teacher wondered: Is there a way to connect local fisheries to would-be regulars at the Chinatown seafood counter? And could get students involved? “I was like, ‘That’s what we should do. We should start a seafood business with young people.’”

That’s how she dreamed up Fishadelphia, a community-supported fish share run by Philly high schoolers. The program delivers biweekly shipments of fresh catch from the Jersey Shore to pickup sites throughout the city, and it teaches kids how to run a business in the process. They’re paid an hourly wage for balancing the books, on-boarding new customers, and managing the program’s social media, among other tasks.

Now in its second year, Fishadelphia is up to 250 members, some paying the full rate, and some paying a discounted community rate. It’s launching a monthly oyster club, and working to add more customers, branch out to restaurants, and recruit students from new schools.