Cops: Bride, Caterer Spiked Food With Pot


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Aug 15, 2020
cant imagine what was going on in their minds. I guess they thought the party would;d be like on movies where everyone gets high and lets go?
APRIL 20--A Florida bride and a caterer are facing felony charges for allegedly adding marijuana to food served to wedding guests, many of whom fell ill after unknowingly ingesting the cannabis-laced dishes served at a February reception.

According to police, “numerous guests” were treated “for symptoms consistent with that of someone who had used illegal drugs.” The victims were stricken in the clubhouse of a private gated community in Longwood, a city 15 miles north of Orlando.

Newlywed Danya Svoboda, 42, and caterer Joycelyn Bryant, 31, have been hit with negligence, tampering, and drug charges for allegedly spiking food served at the February 19 reception, which was attended by about 50 guests.

As alleged in an arrest warrant affidavit, victims became ill after consuming pasta, salad, and an olive oil and herb dip. Several guests were treated at a local hospital, where tests revealed THC in their systems.

One guest told cops he felt “ill and high” and was “having crazy thoughts” as his heart raced. Another victim said he told the best man that he “felt like he had been drugged,” but that the best man “was incoherent and could not answer a question.”