Dad: "This is how you handle a gun." (*BLAM*) "Owwww." Daughter: "Like this?" (*BLAM*) "Owwww."


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Aug 15, 2020
If you shoot yourself while cleaning your gun you're not qualified to teach a gun safety class. if your kid gets shot in a gun course its time for jail for being so stupid in your inability to handle and train others to handle a gun.

Ald. Derrick Curtis’ daughter was accidentally shot in the leg last week during a concealed carry class Curtis was teaching at a church in Ashburn, months after the 18th Ward alderperson accidentally shot himself.

Curtis was conducting the class Jan. 5 at Monument of Faith Church, 2750 W. Columbus, with his daughter and son in attendance, according to a Chicago police source. Someone handed Curtis’ daughter a Glock 19 and the weapon went off.

The 25-year-old was struck in the leg and taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn in good condition, police said. The shooting was classified as accidental.

The woman initially told investigators that her father had been handling the Glock 19 when it went off, the source said. Her brother said he was handling it, too. It appears the son was actually handing off the gun to his sister when it discharged, the source said.

It’s the second time a member of the Curtis family has suffered an accidental gunshot wound. Last fall, Curtis shot himself in the wrist as he was cleaning a gun in the 8200 block of South Christiana Avenue.
Seriously. It just isn't that hard to unload a gun BEFORE you clean it. And no gun at a class should be loaded until you are at the range ready to shoot. Morons! :(
Seriously. It just isn't that hard to unload a gun BEFORE you clean it. And no gun at a class should be loaded until you are at the range ready to shoot. Morons! :(
exactly and this guy is a teacher of how to use a gun. I remember one sheriff that shot himself twice. some people just cant learn.
Seriously. It just isn't that hard to unload a gun BEFORE you clean it. And no gun at a class should be loaded until you are at the range ready to shoot. Morons! :(

A bit offtopic, but related: We live near an outdoor gun range where the primary pistol/rifle ranges shoot into a hill, but is otherwise 100% surrounded by residential. They have a shotgun range less than 200 feet from houses (facing away, obviously). Comments on the gun range include a lot of people chafing at how strict the operators are.

My thoughts: GOOD. Last thing anyone (especially the operators) needs is an accident on that range, let alone one that endangers people who are living nearby.

There's also the standing question of why there was so much residential infill right next to a gun range, and why the operators didn't buy up a bit more buffer decades ago when the writing was on the wall and the land was still affordable. But with what exists now, I'd much rather have the status quo which has meant that the range has been trouble free for the residents living here. There is the noise issue, but I'd file that under "Do at least a little diligence when buying a house please." It did take us a couple months to get used to things.
A bit offtopic, but related: We live near an outdoor gun range where the primary pistol/rifle ranges shoot into a hill, but is otherwise 100% surrounded by residential. They have a shotgun range less than 200 feet from houses (facing away, obviously). Comments on the gun range include a lot of people chafing at how strict the operators are.

There was a skeet range not too far from my house. So it was easy to decide to run up on a Sunday and shoot a couple of rounds. Then they built a neighborhood in the sight lines from one of the trap fields. I have to tell you it is a bit disconcerting to be aiming at a clay and there be houses in the background.

Now they were far enough away it wasn't going to be an issue, but it didn't stop some residents from trying to get the field, that was there before the neighborhood, shut down. The operators finally agree to limit the shot size to 9. No problem for me as I used 9 anyway. But the complaints kept up until the operators finally moved.
There was a skeet range not too far from my house. So it was easy to decide to run up on a Sunday and shoot a couple of rounds. Then they built a neighborhood in the sight lines from one of the trap fields. I have to tell you it is a bit disconcerting to be aiming at a clay and there be houses in the background.

This place is lucky in the sense that all the sight lines aim at the hill, and the operators have held onto that land as buffer, but they didn't hold onto nearly as much buffer behind the ranges, which is where things get messy.

Now they were far enough away it wasn't going to be an issue, but it didn't stop some residents from trying to get the field, that was there before the neighborhood, shut down. The operators finally agree to limit the shot size to 9. No problem for me as I used 9 anyway. But the complaints kept up until the operators finally moved.

The fun of suburban sprawl. It's inevitable that infill will happen, and crowd out places like this that when they opened, were far away from everyone else. The operators here are playing that same sort of tightrope walk. The place opened in the 1950s I think, and the infill started in the late 60s, with newer infill as recent as 10-15 years ago. So far, the operators have been able to keep the peace for decades, and so long as they stay safety minded, I'm fine with keeping the status quo.

(EDIT: This is one reason I am an advocate for more density rather than sprawl. It enables us to keep more natural spaces as buffers between cities/towns, and leaves more spaces for places like this to exist without posing as much a hazard to locals)
I’d say we should reward them when they shoot themselves and imprison them when their kids get shot.
I’d say we should reward them when they shoot themselves and imprison them when their kids get shot.
And also imprison them when they have guns insufficiently safely secured in a household, allowing a situation where an elementary-school-aged kid can help himself to Mom or Dad's gun and take it to school and intentionally, deliberately shoot the teacher....

==Current situation in an elementary school in the southern area of Virginia, where a six-year-old shot his teacher with Mom's gun that he'd brought from home==
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