DNC changes 2024 Primary Calendar


Resident Redneck
Jul 8, 2021
This is going to be interesting. The DNC has changed the primary calendar and now SC will host the first in the nation primary. Followed a week later by NH and NV and then GA and MI.

Going to need to see some more reporting on this because I'm not sure exactly how this will work. Will the GOP go along with it or will SC need to hold 2 primaries? And what about NH? They have a state law that they must hold the first primary. So the officials their must hold one a week before SC or be in violation of state law. But what if the delegates won't be counted?

I see some confusion and possibly a full blown mess from this.
It’s time for some changes. Hopefully, at some point all primaries will be held at the same time so that every candidate gets the same opportunity. And do away with the stupid caucus!
Turned out fine, fears unfounded. Arguably turned out better since Biden also won as a write-in in New Hampshire, and it wasn’t even close.