Does anybody still watch Saturday Night Live?


Site Master
Aug 11, 2020
I watched last week with Chris Rock, and it had some pretty good moments. This week was somebody named Bill Burr and he was horribly unfunny. I think he was trying to be controversial but he bombed with the audience and the sketches he took part in were dominated by his personality and suffered because of it.

Musically, Jack White sounded fine I guess if you like his style, but he looks very unhealthy.
I watched last week with Chris Rock, and it had some pretty good moments. This week was somebody named Bill Burr and he was horribly unfunny. I think he was trying to be controversial but he bombed with the audience and the sketches he took part in were dominated by his personality and suffered because of it.

Musically, Jack White sounded fine I guess if you like his style, but he looks very unhealthy.
I have it recorded but haven't watched yet but yeah last week's with Chris Rock was hilarious, especially the name change office with "edith puthy" me and my wife laughed hard over that one. But when I saw Bill Burr I was curious as to why and just figured maybe they just couldn't get any A listers to show up, it was an odd choice. Jack White always looks like he needs a pint of blood for some reason.
I stopped watching years ago. Now I watch the opening when it’s recommended. As much as I adore Chris Rock, I still wasn’t willing to sit through the entire show. It’s been a minute since I’ve even heard of most of their musical guests. The last time I watched just for the musical guest, was Paul McCartney, and I decided he should have retired long before.
I have it recorded but haven't watched yet but yeah last week's with Chris Rock was hilarious, especially the name change office with "edith puthy" me and my wife laughed hard over that one. But when I saw Bill Burr I was curious as to why and just figured maybe they just couldn't get any A listers to show up, it was an odd choice. Jack White always looks like he needs a pint of blood for some reason.

I heard somebody cancelled which is why they got Bill Burr. He’s not funny, but he thinks he is so he pushed to get his brand of “humor” into every sketch and make himself the focal point of all of them too. I know some people disliked him because of political statements, but I don’t care about that - he just isn’t funny at all. Trying to make the same “cancel culture” joke for 90 minutes was annoying.

The silly name sketch was my favorite from last week too. I’ve always loved that kind of thing; good to see I’m not the only one.
I still watch SNL, depending on the host. I thought Jack White killed it. Bill Burr is about my age and his humor comes from an old-white-guy place, which turns me off hard.

Eddie Murphy hosting was the best last year.
Last night was pretty good, but I thought Justin Bieber was bad. They could have worked the host, Issa Rae, into a few more sketches too. Weekend Update was the best in a while.
I wanted to watch SNL and when I turned it on, they had college football, and they made an announcement that SNL will start not after the game, but after the local news after the game.... so they are gonna delay it close to an hour? Not sure I can wait that long... and probably it will not even be live then... it will be on a delay.
Also want to point out there are thousands of fans shoulder-to-shoulder in the crowd at the game. I guess since it’s Norte Dame, Catholic Jesus will protect them from coronavirus?

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