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I think E-Bike’s are an excellent option for alternate forms of transportation. I think I‘d prefer a normal bike though, maybe when I’m older.

Something to be aware of, I only know this because my dad is involved in the energy industry, including batteries- a lot of this E-Bikes have really cheap Chinese batteries and they are a fire hazard. In NYC where these are quite prevalent; the NYPD reportedly responds to 4 e-bike and e-scooter an average of 4x a week. What’s worse, in NYC people tend not to leave them outside otherwise they get stolen. So quite a number of fires have occurred do these. Not to mention lithium fires are very dangerous, hard to deal with, and pose health hazard to fighter fighters.

There’s been a push for greater regulation, but apparently these companies are just counterfeiting approvals like UL and CE.  And the US Government has been trying to crack down but has had trouble tracing these e-bikes back to their manufactures.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?