RIP Eddie Van Halen Dies at 65

Just loved him. This is depressing. Thanks for survivor’s guilt, Eddie.
At one time I was a huge EVH fan and my life basically revolved around him and the band (along with the band Rush) and though that has waned over the years, I feel like I should say something today. So I'll share this story about meeting him as an obsessed fan that happened a long time ago for anyone who cares to read it.

I went LA (from Oregon) 2 times in the late 80's, early 90's for various reasons but the main reason was to find Eddie and have him autograph my guitar. My ax was a flying V knockoff that I painted up red with white and yellow stripes, pretty cheesy now that I look back but I was young.

One of the first places I went to was Gil's Liquor store in Hollywood, when I walked in I was star struck with all the photos on the wall of everyone from Bruce Willis to Charlie Sheen on the wall with their arms around Gil (I am assuming).

Just above the door was a picture of him with Ed and when I went up to the counter I pointed at the picture and asked the guy if I could have a map of the stars so I could get his address. He said "sure, but it doesn't have his address in it" so I proceeded to ask if he knew where he lived. He gave me explicit directions to his house while assuring me that there wasn't a chance that I would get past the gates, I was just thrilled to get the info.

The next day me and my buddy went there and sure as shit, there was a big ass gate (this was the first house before he moved) and my buddy said "dude lets just get the hell out of here" as I walked up to the gate and commenced to pressing the button, my buddy was sure there were armed guards and bolted for the van.

The gate started to open and I couldn't see anyone, I almost shit my pants. After it opened up a guy that I had never seen before walked out and asked if he could help me. "uh.. is Eddie here"? The guy could tell what I was up to and told me that it was his personal place and politely asked me to leave. What could I say to that? at least I didn't get my ass kicked.

Two years later around Christmas time I go back to LA and back to Ed's house (still the original) I didn't bother to ring the gate this time (I partially learned my lesson) I just thought it would be cool to catch a glimpse of him. In true stalker style we are parked right across from his gate just below Stevie Nicks driveway, we didn't care if we blocked her off and we figured we could take anyone from Fleetwood Mac on.

We had been parked there for about an hour and it was getting dark so we decided to pack it in and take off down the hill (or private drive) as we are driving down we saw someone waving us over to them, it was dark so we couldn't tell, I told my buddy "that's Eddie dude!" he said no way so we pulled over and it was indeed Ed.

He signaled for us to roll down the window and he stuck his head in the window and said "are you guys delivering something for Christmas or something"? (you could smell beer on his breath) Obviously he had seen us in stalker position for the last hour from his newly built house. My friend said "no my buddy here was wondering if you autograph his guitar for him" Ed stood there for a second then said "sure pull it out" as he slapped the trunk so I did and he was cool enough to even ask who he was making it out to. He introduced himself to us both and shook our hands then said "well guys, I gotta run, dinner's waiting for me, Merry Christmas".

It was the coolest experience of my life and I will never forget my buddy's dad laughing at me for putting a sharpie pen in my guitar case thinking I would be let down. The guitar is long gone (long story) but its pretty trivial compared to actually meeting him and shaking his hand in that setting. Sorry this is so long winded but I hadn't shared that for many years, so there ya go.
And Johnny Nash as well...

F - U - C - K!! This year is just determined to demoralize us all.

The guy that sang THAT song died, and another idiot is tanking a stock market & not wanting to aid his fellow humans because he's had another tantrum.

Stupid Angel of Death. You were supposed to kill David Lee Roth, not Eddie.

I already wished that on Sammy.
It was the coolest experience of my life and I will never forget my buddy's dad laughing at me for putting a sharpie pen in my guitar case thinking I would be let down. The guitar is long gone (long story) but its pretty trivial compared to actually meeting him and shaking his hand in that setting. Sorry this is so long winded but I hadn't shared that for many years, so there ya go.
Wonderful memory.