F everything. We’re doing 4 trillion…transistors.


Site Champ
Jul 13, 2022
What on earth is this monster?



From https://www.cerebras.net/product-chip/

Big if true.
At 8.5" on a side, that would almost fit into a Mac Mini box. A power supply and cooling would be a challenge.
It’s a wafer scale device; unsure why it’s not circular. I forget how many kWs it uses, but it’s a lot. Absolutely brilliant, though. Someday I’ll make one in my basement 😂

(on a 2” wafer)
Oops, we found a flaw. Start again. (And this time, keep the sparrows out of the clean room.)
i imagine they have a lot of failures.

I know a bunch of folks who work/worked there. A very strong AMD connection at one point, and Fred was a consultant. He asked me to chat with them about something at one point. As I walked around I kept running into former AMD colleagues, including some from the K6 days who didn’t stick around for Opteron.
IIRC from reading articles about it, and this is not really a big surprise, a lot of the challenges for that wafer-scale device involved packaging, power delivery, and cooling.