Florida governor bans Covid-19 'vaccine passports'

Thomas Veil

Aug 13, 2020

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order Friday banning the use of Covid-19 passports in the state.

The order prohibits any government entity from issuing vaccine passports and blocks businesses from requiring any such documentation.

Emphasis mine.

I swear...is DeSantis in the hole for the virus?

Is the virus sentient and controlling that guacamole dip he uses for a mind?

Or is he some sort of disease fetishist who fears herd immunity might negatively affect his hobby?

I expect that by June he’ll get the legislature to pass a law keeping people from getting the injection. He’ll refer to it as the crime of viruscide.

Because Virus Lives Matter. 😡

Emphasis mine.

I swear...is DeSantis in the hole for the virus?

Is the virus sentient and controlling that guacamole dip he uses for a mind?

Or is he some sort of disease fetishist who fears herd immunity might negatively affect his hobby?

I expect that by June he’ll get the legislature to pass a law keeping people from getting the injection. He’ll refer to it as the crime of viruscide.

Because Virus Lives Matter. 😡
Well, at least we will NEVER have to hear about "gov't over reach" from DeSantis when another ( from a different party ) governor is in office and tries anything like this.


From the party who hates "big gummint". Telling businesses what they can or can not do.
It’s likely a net win politically for him. Man, FLA has no bottom. Just seems to only get shittier down there.
Because Virus Lives Matter. 😡
VLM, LOL. Since viruses don't meet criteria for living things, it's especially a good one. The funny thing is that if Trump took the virus seriously, his fluffers would think exactly the opposite of what they do now.
So Floridians will have to go elsewhere to get a vaccine passport or they won’t be able to travel out of the country. Insanity.
Seriously I can't say enough about this piece of work

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378849441357123593/

From getting an 18 million dollar donation from the WWE, and suddenly they are an essential business, to...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378876423008583680/

To wealthy constituents supposedly getting early vaccine access.

This is what true republican gov't looks like now.

Pay to play.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378848890133348354/
California has done a great job with their equity of the vaccine and it's available everywhere, including poor areas who would not have access otherwise. Even back when doses were limited you could still get it from CVS, Walgreens and any other pharmacy available. In fact, this has been the case for most states to be fair.

FLA voted for this piece of shit and got what they asked for, if they re-elect him next year they'll clearly have not learned their lesson.
California has done a great job with their equity of the vaccine and it's available everywhere, including poor areas who would not have access otherwise. Even back when doses were limited you could still get it from CVS, Walgreens and any other pharmacy available. In fact, this has been the case for most states to be fair.

FLA voted for this piece of shit and got what they asked for, if they re-elect him next year they'll clearly have not learned their lesson.
They'll re-elect him for sure as the COVID fallout in the nursing homes was not significant enough to push the elderly voters towards alternatives.
For frik sake, some are determined to make us look like the stupidest mofos with a country

A topic trending on Twitter:

Some countries have required proof of vaccination for international travel for decades, medical experts and journalists confirm​

See new Tweets

Event image

1 hour ago
Some countries have required proof of vaccination for international travel for decades, medical experts and journalists confirm
As the discussion surrounding vaccine passports continues, medical experts and journalists are explaining how proof of vaccination has been required upon entering certain countries for decades. The required vaccinations are meant to prevent yellow fever, polio, meningitis and more diseases.

What you need to know
- Several journalists shared photographic proof of their vaccine certificates needed for international travel as the debate over vaccine passports continues

- Medical experts and reporters went on to confirm that proof of vaccination is common internationally and is required before entering some countries

- Dr. Anthony Fauci says the US federal government will not mandate COVID-19 vaccine passports
Maybe there’s something I don’t get, but is there any reason that Apple Wallet doesn’t provide a way for you to photographically store your card?
For frik sake, some are determined to make us look like the stupidest mofos with a country

A topic trending on Twitter:

Some countries have required proof of vaccination for international travel for decades, medical experts and journalists confirm​

See new Tweets

Event image

1 hour ago
Some countries have required proof of vaccination for international travel for decades, medical experts and journalists confirm
As the discussion surrounding vaccine passports continues, medical experts and journalists are explaining how proof of vaccination has been required upon entering certain countries for decades. The required vaccinations are meant to prevent yellow fever, polio, meningitis and more diseases.

What you need to know
- Several journalists shared photographic proof of their vaccine certificates needed for international travel as the debate over vaccine passports continues

- Medical experts and reporters went on to confirm that proof of vaccination is common internationally and is required before entering some countries

- Dr. Anthony Fauci says the US federal government will not mandate COVID-19 vaccine passports
As an immigrant, I'd like to point out how much horseshit this whining about proof of vaccination thing is:

As an immigrant, I'd like to point out how much horseshit this whining about proof of vaccination thing is:

View attachment 4319

Florida unfortunately typifies the Ideology-driven insanity of Trump's failed GOP. Not to insult ad creators for a certain pasta sauce, but

Homemade taste​
All natural ingredients​
It's in there!™​