For Goop team, smelling Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina was just another day at the office


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
Wait, what? ...why?

Goop employees smelled Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina to embody the infamous 'This Smells Like My Vagina' candle.

The 47-year-old actress - who founded the lifestyle brand - made headlines when she unveiled her unusual scented candle, but it has now been revealed the team behind the candle got their inspiration for the scent by smelling her vagina.


Those candles don't smell anything like her vagina ...

*backs slowly out of room*
Well this just solved what to get people I hardly know but am still obligated to get them something for Christmas for some reason. Hopefully they have a bulk discount. Thanks for sharing.
Well this just solved what to get people I hardly know but am still obligated to get them something for Christmas for some reason. Hopefully they have a bulk discount. Thanks for sharing.

They're gonna know it's not your vagina you're giving them scented candles for.
Well, I think if I were to give my SO a candle that puts out the smell of someone else's vagina, she would almost certainly call me a douche.
I mean, does the company name have to be "goop"? This sounds like something from The Onion but sadly is not.