From the "yeah, they knew what they were doing" files, marketing campaign for coffee chain tells customers to flick the bean.


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Aug 15, 2020
Costa Coffee have been forced to apologise for leaving customers stunned by a 'rude' advert that urged students to 'flick the bean' to 'fuel wild nights out'.

Reads like they had a person in charge that wasn’t familiar with that particular slang term.

I guess that happens often in international corporations.
Reads like they had a person in charge that wasn’t familiar with that particular slang term.

I guess that happens often in international corporations.
the whole 'flick the bean' to 'fuel wild nights out'. is so funny not sure how it relates to coffee
I'm confused by "rude". How is it rude? Crude? Perhaps. A little naughty? Sure. But "rude"? Is that more a British / non-American use of the word? Do I just need to grab my torch, head out to the car park and get my English-English translation book from the boot of my saloon?

I'd love to see them go to Voodoo Donuts next to get something to go with that coffee. That's the place where "good things come in pink boxes" and "the magic is in the hole". They might just implode. :LOL:
Cuz coffee be made of beans, and they what caffeinate you for the wild nights.well ya but who flicks a coffee bean? and i haven ever heard of anyone using coffee for a wild night. then again I have not heard of masturbating making a wind night either.
I checked with my wife who’s from Canada, she was immediately familiar with the term and said that it probably be too much for some British sensibilities.

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Those naughty Canadians...
well ya but who flicks a coffee bean? and i haven ever heard of anyone using coffee for a wild night. then again I have not heard of masturbating making a wind night either.

You ain't be goin' around judging people for their hobbies, be you?

As for the latter, I reckon it all depends up on what kinda masturbatin' you be doin', and what tools be involved. A sand blaster and a concrete mixer in your self-lovin' be makin' for all kinds of for wild nights.
You ain't be goin' around judging people for their hobbies, be you?

As for the latter, I reckon it all depends up on what kinda masturbatin' you be doin', and what tools be involved. A sand blaster and a concrete mixer in your self-lovin' be makin' for all kinds of for wild nights.
I was thinking going out for the wild night. bot maybe I am silly.
Reads like they had a person in charge that wasn’t familiar with that particular slang term.

My daughter had a French teacher in HS who for sake of being as nice as I can, was an idiot. She actually told her students one Friday to go home and "Netflix and Chill". :oops: When another teacher clued her in on what she said, she actually lectured the kids for letting her say it. SMH.
My daughter had a French teacher in HS who for sake of being as nice as I can, was an idiot. She actually told her students one Friday to go home and "Netflix and Chill". :oops: When another teacher clued her in on what she said, she actually lectured the kids for letting her say it. SMH.

"Go home, ahn do zee, how do you keeds zay dees days, ze fah-king ov each ozers breens aut."