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I'd like to ask if anyone here has experience with Agave succulents.

Three years ago my wife and I engaged in a large landscaping project around our home. Most of the plants are succulents of various varieties; including five Agaves.

Earlier this year one Agave started sprouting a 3" diameter stalk that topped out at 20 feet tall.  A month ago another one, of a different variety, started and now has a stalk that's around 5" in diameter and is currently 6' tall.

The first Agave bloomed slender yellow-green twine-like flowers, while the second one looks it will probably bloom more rounded bell-shaped white flowers.

Since the first Agave's flowers have had their day and died, we were wondering what to do with the stalk; thinking it may still be alive. Doing some online research I was surprised to learn that once an Agave has bloomed, the plant (and stalk) will soon die.

Have to admit learning that is a little sad and disappointing.  Was wondering if people here have any personal knowledge about this.  Thanks!

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