George W. Bush, The New Darling Of Liberal Media

Chew Toy McCoy

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Aug 15, 2020

Within the first 20 seconds of the video he slaps you with where he thinks we should be, and he's probably right, but my personal opinion of W is he wasn't actively evil, he was incompetently lead by the establishment evil. His face had a permanent "I can't believe I actually won the election. So much pressure from dad and those more entrenched than me." look.

I don't want to say this is solely a Republican issue, but between him and Trump it should be blatantly obvious that the best of the best aren't running this country. I agree with those who say the best of the best aren't interested in running the country. I don't want a monarchy and unfortunately Congress is criminally ineffective, but I think it's time that we acknowledge and the restrict the powers of the President to being little more than the country's PR representative. Too much credit, blame, and (currently) power is given to one person.
Elenn Degeneres took a bunch of shit for hanging out with him at a ball game a few years ago but it’s like he’s hired a new publicist or something.
This guys is right, anyone Republican willing to cross Trump gets a positive view and GW has been no exception, sticking to his defiance of him. At the same time the man invaded a country that had zero to do with 9/11 and we're essentially still there so his talk of "compassion" here rings hollow.

Within the first 20 seconds of the video he slaps you with where he thinks we should be, and he's probably right, but my personal opinion of W is he wasn't actively evil, he was incompetently lead by the establishment evil. His face had a permanent "I can't believe I actually won the election. So much pressure from dad and those more entrenched than me." look.

I don't want to say this is solely a Republican issue, but between him and Trump it should be blatantly obvious that the best of the best aren't running this country. I agree with those who say the best of the best aren't interested in running the country. I don't want a monarchy and unfortunately Congress is criminally ineffective, but I think it's time that we acknowledge and the restrict the powers of the President to being little more than the country's PR representative. Too much credit, blame, and (currently) power is given to one person.

I think that it is a sign of how bizarre and polarised the world has become.

As President, I loathed George W Bush, but I never doubted that - personally, - he was a relatively decent human being, although a disaster as President, but also, in marked contrast to Mr Trump, I never for one minute doubted that GWB held the traditions of his office in the highest of respect.

His reported remarks (which he never subsequently denied or sought to repudiate) - apparently to HRC, who was sitting beside him, at the inauguration of Mr Trump during Donald Trump's hateful and hate-filled address, where he observed (with stunned disbelief),"this is some weird shit" was what (initially) made me warm a little towards him.
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...Within the first 20 seconds of the video he slaps you with where he thinks we should be, and he's probably right, but my personal opinion of W is he wasn't actively evil, he was incompetently lead by the establishment evil. His face had a permanent "I can't believe I actually won the election. So much pressure from dad and those more entrenched than me." look.
I remember starting out thinking he was evil, in part because one of the first things he did was establish a wide perimeter around anyplace he was speaking for protesters. IIRC they had to be hundreds of yards away, basically almost out of sight and earshot. That just sounded despotic to me. And of course there was the invasion of Iraq.

After watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" I came to realize that he was almost certainly being led, as you say, by Big Oil in the person of their inside man, Dick Cheney. My view on Bush evolved from evil to someone who is hopelessly clueless enough to be led astray.

...As President, I loathed George W Bush, but I never doubted that - personally, - he was a relatively decent human being, although a disaster as President, but equally, unlike Mr Truump, I never for one minute doubted that he held the traditions of his office in the highest of respect.

His reported remarks (which he never subsequently denied) - apparently to HRC, who was sitting beside him, at the inauguration of Mr Trump during Donald Trump's hateful and hate-filled address, "this is some weird shit" was what made me warm a little towards him.
Yeah, Bush was indeed a disaster of a president, but until Trump I realized I had no idea what a truly evil, loathsome president was like.
There's no retcon for this guy.

In 2020, like all the PRSI "independents" he did NOT vote for Biden.

The former president also revealed that he wrote in Condoleezza Rice instead of choosing between former President Donald Trump or President Joe Biden in November's election.

I don't care how banal you are. If evil shit happens under your watch & you do nothing about it, you're just banal evil.

In 2020 he basically made a choice that a straight up evil wasn't enough for him to vote against.
