God would probably be a communist

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
Read an article about (not so much) Christians taking over the Republican party and there was a quote from one of the Capitol rioters saying God would be in his corner as he killed millions of communists.

I don’t recall any passages in the Bible about God condemning communism but it did get me to thinking about it. Taking away the abuse by the powerful in any political system, organized religion structures aren’t exactly a bastion of freedom, individualism, or opportunity. Everybody is a defined cog to serve the greater good. Sounds pretty communist to me.
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. -- Acts 4:32-35
Goddamn bunch of Commies...
Hey, Phyllis Schlafly's son tried to repair the Bible, to make it say what it is supposed to say and not promote the airy frou frou nonsense that people keep saying is in it.

He was somewhat unsuccessful. Very, even.

Потому что, Иисус Христос был Коммунист.
Read an article about (not so much) Christians taking over the Republican party and there was a quote from one of the Capitol rioters saying God would be in his corner as he killed millions of communists.

I don’t recall any passages in the Bible about God condemning communism but it did get me to thinking about it. Taking away the abuse by the powerful in any political system, organized religion structures aren’t exactly a bastion of freedom, individualism, or opportunity. Everybody is a defined cog to serve the greater good. Sounds pretty communist to me.
Here is the problem are we going to be like the ants and the bees or are we going to all living in our falling apart libertay bubbles, lying about what liberty means when it comes to groups of people living together? The big strike is when the idiots claim liberty is just for me and not for you. They are a little slow when it comes to anything but a selfish perspective.

There is no such thing as total liberty when living in a group. At best we can shoot for a nice medium and hope not everyone thinks like corrupted Me Me Me Christianity, different than the good Christians who actually practise reportedly Jesus teachings and who really believe in the Constitution. Also a general understanding of what a general health pandemic means and what is needed to control it would be a bonus.

No the Bible does not say anything about Economic sysytem, but if you like the reported word of Jesus, today‘s GOP is such the sham, as in we are so Jesus like with our AKs… Christianity today to the GOP is nothing more than a con. Jesus is more of a socialist than anything else and I see no Right Wing socialists, but they’ll claim it’s fighting words if you accuse them of not being Christians. :oops:
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