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It's obvious that, while I assume you are well meaning, you have a basic bias against Israel from some notion of its being a colonialist presence in the area. I've addressed this previously and don't want to go into the history yet again at this point. Also, I state that I am against settlement building and I don't like Netanyahu. Expansionist philosophies and religious fanaticism should be rejected on both sides.

For instance, you propose a unilateral cessation of hostiles by Israel but say nothing about Hamas. What do you think they will do? Will they say to themselves that those Israelies are good guys and start singing "Give peace a chance."  Of course not. They would use the time to regroup, rearm and possibly move the hostages to a more secure location. They have explicitly stated that they would repeat the atrocities of Oct. 7 every chance they get. How about, since Hamas started this war, THEY stop their hostilities and return the hostages?

Re. the "human shield narrative," If they have no where to fight that doesn't involve the loss of innocents, then, you know, maybe they shouldn't start a war. Is Israel supposed to do nothing to defend its citizens just because Hamas is embedded in civilian areas and firing rockets from rooftops?

And who is most responsible for for the "shit life" you say they have? This is sounding like a broken record at this point but once again let's review the recent past. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, forcibly removing settlers. Gaza received billions in foreign aid over the years but instead of spending it on education, infrastructure and the well-being of Gazans, it was used to build a vast underground system of tunnels and stockpile rockets, launchers and other weapons, all with the single aim of attacking Israel, as they did on Oct. 7. Once again, you want to blame Israel for every misfortune of the Palestinians but much of their suffering was brought on by their own leaders and the refugee crisis, occupation etc. were the direct result of wars they started.

A couple of questions: For about 20 years prior to the Six Day War, Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan controlled the West Bank. Why didn't they  establish an independent Palestinian state? Why, even prior to Oct. 7, did Egypt close its border with Gaza and erect a wall that puts Trump's wall to shame? Oh, I forgot, it's all Israel's fault.

I'm frankly getting tired of this discussion, as I had done a few months ago when I decided to take a break from this forum. You seem to view everything through Israel=Bad, Palestinians=Good glasses. You may accuse me of wearing different glasses but let's discuss FACTS and not pie in the sky, unrealistic suggestions or inflammatory accusations of genocide. Look up IHL (International Humanitarian Law) for what is allowed during conflicts when, for instance, the enemy uses civilian structures such as hospitals. Of course a lot of horrible things happen in the fog of war and Israel is not perfect, but there is evidence it has generally abided by this code (by giving warnings, etc.) while Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran of course do not even pretend to do so.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?