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I honestly can’t believe they’d degrade iOS like this, I truly believe it looks worse than with Material You’s accents which, Android doesn’t rely rely on home screens like iOS does so you can decorate a few icons and rely on instinct and just use the app library — Also again the theme engine with color is actually great outside of apps.

It just feels like they took the worst part of Android’s Material You, did it for an OS where home screen icons are abundant and more important, and somehow also made it feel more out of place.

Also appears they gave more optionality than Google! The RGB color selector is ridiculous. Google doesn’t give that much power, preselected accents from your wallpaper.

Which is so unfortunate, it’s also so uncharacteristic of both. It really really feels like a lapse from Apple.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?