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It's ABSOLUTELY a valid concern. Apple totally fucked me in the last year, breaking compatibility with my watch (and far worse, my mom's watch) running OS 9, when upgrading iOS to 17.x. For me, it was easy enough to do the watch update to 10, but there was NO WARNING. *All* my integration with my phone was just suddenly broken. For my mom, it was way harder. She's got dementia and dealing with new interfaces is damn near impossible. This is definitely the most egregious example of contempt for the customer I've personally experienced from Apple.

Now... will this actually be an issue with iOS 18 & watch OS 10? I have no idea. But I would certainly check carefully before doing anything you can't undo. And in fact I will as I'm in the same boat - my watch is the series 4, and 10 is the last version it supports. (If anyone knows for certain about this, please speak up!)

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