Lease says we need to water our front lawn and general lawn discussion

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
Recently the property manager for the house we are renting did a drive by and reminded (informed?) us the lease we signed says we need to water the lawn and clearly we haven’t been. (I do mow it though!) We’re not going to fight it but I will vent about here.

1. CA has been known for a severe drought until recently and that was only this past season of getting heavy rain. It has been suggested or even mandated in some areas that people need to stop watering their lawns.

2. The lawn was patchy to begin with when we moved in, probably ¼ dirt. When we moved in the next door neighbor had a semi healthy looking lawn but now about a year and half later it’s pretty much all dirt. Most of the houses around us have dead lawns or are landscaped to not have any lawn. I’d say maybe 1 in 10 houses has a healthy looking lawn. It’s not like our house is singlehandedly bringing the property value down.

3. I take great pride in maintaining the backyard and early on considered getting grass seed for the patches in the front, but refer to point 1.

4. It would have been nice if this was brought to our attention a few months into our lease instead of after a year and a half as the lawn has gotten in worse condition.

5. Water is stupid expensive. I lived in an apartment for many years and water wasn’t a separate charge. Now in the house with 3 people between showers, dishes, laundry, and backyard watering I control with a drip system to keep water usage under control we are still paying about $300 a month for water. Now add to that having sprinklers on for 20-30 minutes a couple times a week. I don’t even want to know what that waste is going to cost but I guess we’ll find out.

On the general discussion, I’ve concluded that a lot of front yards are too big and a complete waste of space. At least where I live nobody hangs out in their front yard. Our front yard is the average size for the area and probably any house that has been built between 70 – 20 years ago, front curb or sidewalk to house the length of a driveway and garage, about 3 - 4 car lengths. That’s a massive waste of space. Newer houses have a shorter driveway and the front of the house is aligned with the front of the garage. This not only means a smaller front yard you have to maintain but also the possibility of a much larger backyard to enjoy.

What’s your front lawn opinion/experience?
I agree with all your points, but you unfortunately have to comply if it's in the lease. But if it doesn't specify the frequency or intensity of watering you may be able to get by with less water use.
I agree with all your points, but you unfortunately have to comply if it's in the lease. But if it doesn't specify the frequency or intensity of watering you may be able to get by with less water use.

On a side note, there was a timer connected to the lawn sprinklers that is oddly located in the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. The person who has that room is also the main contact with the property manager. They unplugged that timer fairly soon after we moved in. I’m not sure why but I didn’t question it. So I’m kind of miffed about that now knowing we are supposed to water the lawn. I try to take pride in the places I live even if I don’t own it and I don’t like doing anything that gives the impression we don’t give a shit.
OT here but aren't you in the south bay somewhere? I believe both @Cmaier and @Citysnaps are as well, maybe we can all hit up a starbucks or something sometime, I don't mind coming to your guys' neck of the woods from the south bay.
OT here but aren't you in the south bay somewhere? I believe both @Cmaier and @Citysnaps are as well, maybe we can all hit up a starbucks or something sometime, I don't mind coming to your guys' neck of the woods from the south bay.
I range from Campbell to Palo Alto and would be happy to meet up sometime.
I can do Palo Alto with a little planning.
I would probably just run the irrigation system once a week so that you comply with the lease. If there aren't any parameters, use a short duration.

Run them early morning; I think ours are set to start at like 3:30 in the morning. This allows better absorption since it's dark and there is less evaporation, but also helps prevent mold/fungus because the sun can dry off overly damp spots once it comes up. You really want the watering to be done by like 6am or so, before the sun is up. If you actually want a nice yard, you need to aim for about an 1" a week, and a longer, less frequent duration is better than a couple of short stints; longer sessions allow more water penetration and a better root system, which over the long term requires less water because the roots are longer....this isn't actually your concern right now, though I realize.

This won't help you, but for anyone else reading, we have a separate water meter for our irrigation, which allows us to pay just for water and not water and sewer on the irrigation line. We installed it as part of our house bill, so it wasn't super expensive, but we also retrofitted one in our previous house and it was surprising how quickly it paid for itself not being charged the sewage fee on that line.

Otherwise, maybe you can talk nicely with the property manager and point out the drought concerns and the general prevalence of NOT watering in your area.
We don’t water the lawn. Ever. While it’s nice to have a lush front lawn, it’s wholly unnecessary, and in these times of drought, it’s downright stupid. My daughter has the same issue with her landlady down in Florida.

If you guys meet up, I’m gonna be hella jealous! Maybe you could FaceTime me while you’re all together?
Join the Tea Party. Roll out the astroturf. It will be expensive, but you can take it along when you move.
I'm stunned the landlord wants you to water a lawn with the drought issues. I'm aware things have eased a bit but come on! Presumably, he'd be fine letting it go it if he was footing the water bill. Seems incredibly douchey.

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