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I am sure this doesn’t qualify as a spoiler, because it is so trivial. In one scene, a character was drinking a can of pop (or soda as many like to say). The drink was “Josta,” which was a short-lived product from the 1990’s. I recall it very well.

During a spring break when I was in college, I had a lot to catch up on, so I stayed at my fraternity with a handful of others in similar situations instead of going home. A group of marketers showed up in vehicles painted with ads for a new drink: Josta! With Guarana! They had hundreds of cases of the drink, but they showed up at a nearly empty campus. They must have been told to give it all away, so after surveying the situation, they gave it all to our fraternity and the one next door to us. We all drank Josta for months….

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?