Matt Gaetz Honors Accused Murderer In First Judiciary Committee Meeting


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Aug 15, 2020
leave it to the pedo to be tasteless.

The first honor went to Corey Beekman, a retired National Guard member accused of killing a man in 2019 whose case has not gone to trial.
Gaetz did not mention this aspect of his guest’s backstory. Beekman led the pledge in his military dress uniform on Feb. 1.

“It is my pleasure and distinct honor to introduce to the committee Staff Sgt. Corey Ryan Beekman, an American hero and a constituent of mine residing in Pensacola, Florida,” Gaetz said in the video still available on C-SPAN. He rolled through Beekman’s life story. Born in Holland, Michigan, Gaetz said Beekman enlisted in the Michigan Army National Guard while still in high school before serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, finally moving to Florida to be closer to family.
Beekman also allegedly shot and killed 32-year-old William Buchanan at a home in northern Michigan in April 2019, between his military service and his move down to Florida.
It's all good, these hearings have not started out well for the republicans in congress. Have you seen the clips on Youtube? So embarrassing and void of substance even Fox News talking heads made fun of them.

Clown show antics like honoring accused murderers is all part of the script. It's not an accident, its the goal. Legislating, uncovering truth, etc. is never the goal.