Mystery car

Chew Toy McCoy

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Aug 15, 2020
A couple weeks ago I was leaving Home Depot and passed a car pulling in, newish red sedan with a Christmas wreath attached to the front grill, an American flag waving from the top of both rear windows, and a bumper sticker in support of the police. The only thing missing was a Trump sticker. To my surprise the driver was a middle aged Indian woman in traditional Indian clothes. I know it’s sometimes said that some immigrants are even more patriotic than native born Americans, but this was a bit much. It was like they were using their car to scream “I’m one of the good non-white immigrants!”.

Then this weekend I was at the same Home Depot and parked next to me was the same car, same compact patriot float with all the trimmings. But then I noticed there was a boot on the tire, you know, that lock authorities put on a tire so the car can’t be moved.

I have so many questions.
Hey, I want to support the police too. I just want them to stop murdering unarmed black people.

For the Blue Lives Matter people out there, they choose their profession, strap on a gun and go out into harm's way on a daily basis. Nobody wishes harm on them but it's very different from being a black person walking or driving down the street being pulled over just for being black. Tired of that stupid false equivalency from the right.
Hey, I want to support the police too. I just want them to stop murdering unarmed black people.

For the Blue Lives Matter people out there, they choose their profession, strap on a gun and go out into harm's way on a daily basis. Nobody wishes harm on them but it's very different from being a black person walking or driving down the street being pulled over just for being black. Tired of that stupid false equivalency from the right.

Back when I was a youth people put bumper stickers supporting the police on their car hoping it would mean the police would be less likely to give you a ticket, and that was about as political as it got.
Back when I was a youth people put bumper stickers supporting the police on their car hoping it would mean the police would be less likely to give you a ticket
I recall seeing an Acid Test cartoon where the car had one of those bumper stickers and while the driver was digging as the officer approached, his wife was saying "That's right, Ralph, 'support your local police': try to bribe a cop".
Back when I was a youth people put bumper stickers supporting the police on their car hoping it would mean the police would be less likely to give you a ticket, and that was about as political as it got.

When I was a youth, my roommate and I went skinny dipping in a reservoir one afternoon after exams for that semester had ended. Not only was it pretty cold to be swimming there in May, with a stiff breeze as well, but it turned out that swimming in that reservoir was actually quite a revenue generator for the local cops. We only didn't get ticketed because my roommate persuaded the cop to call her for a date later, and gave him her phone number. The number, of course, was not hers but the one for a dry cleaner's shop that was a couple towns over.

Anyway we could have used a couple "Blue Lives Matter" bumpersticks for ourselves that day. We were just about blue from shivering in the almost-nude while he fetched us that blanket out of the squad car. We had both snatched up our shirts from the piles of our clothing on the rocks by the shore, but still... I don't think I've ever been that cold again in my life.