Nancy Pelosi’s husband sold more than $500K worth of Visa stock — just weeks before DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit


Mama's lil stinker
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
Legalized insider trading.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband unloaded more than $500,000 worth of Visa stock — less than three months before the credit card giant was slapped with federal antitrust charges, public documents show.

Visa was hit with a lawsuit on Tuesday that alleged the company has illegally monopolized the debit card market — the culmination of a years-long review conducted by the Justice Department’s antitrust unit.

Visa allegedly used its dominant market position to penalize customers and merchants who use competing payment processors, according to court papers.
Ok. But the DOJ told pelosi? That’s not likely.

Their official statement is:
“Speaker Pelosi does not own any stocks, and she has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions,” the congresswoman’s spokesperson told The Post.

I just wonder what led up to the DOJ taking it on and what Congress knew.
Their official statement is:

I just wonder what led up to the DOJ taking it on and what Congress knew.
DOJ doesn’t brief congress ahead of time on this sort of thing. And the DOJ muat have been working on this for a very long time.

More likely, if the sale was based on a rip, is that he found out about it from local whispers (visa is located here). The investigation wouldn’t likely have been that secret since there would have been interviews with witnesses, subpoenas, discussions with competitors, etc.

It also doesn’t sound like a lot of money, I don’t know whether he sold all of his visa stock, whether he routinely sells stock, whether he sold because the price had anlready started decreasing, etc.

Even the headline - “just weeks” - is somewhat misleading, it looks like.
Ok. But the DOJ told pelosi? That’s not likely.

Officially? Of course not.

But she has been in DC long enough to have little birdies in every nook and cranny of that town.

And this is not the first time something similar has happened with her husband.
Officially? Of course not.

But she has been in DC long enough to have little birdies in every nook and cranny of that town.

And this is not the first time something similar has happened with her husband.

I still don‘t believe it. I work with DoJ folks. They aren‘t going to talk to anyone. It‘s much more plausible that lots of people in San Francisco know because it‘s pretty obvious when you‘re being investigated for these things. Law firms get calls all the time like „we believe we are being investigated for xxx“
I still don‘t believe it. I work with DoJ folks. They aren‘t going to talk to anyone. It‘s much more plausible that lots of people in San Francisco know because it‘s pretty obvious when you‘re being investigated for these things. Law firms get calls all the time like „we believe we are being investigated for xxx“
Only D's cheat, R's are as pure as the driven snow. Haven't you been paying attention?
Officially? Of course not.

But she has been in DC long enough to have little birdies in every nook and cranny of that town.

And this is not the first time something similar has happened with her husband.

Supreme Court will rule it isn’t insider trading, it’s a “tip”.

Is this an issue? Absolutely. But this is small beans compared to this vast criminal enterprise of your chosen candidate, like worrying about a candy thief while giving the axe murderer a pass.

This is an example of what could be considered the “deep state”, which MAGA loves Trump for supposedly exposing, yet are we really going to sit here and pretend the Trump family received all their gains on the up and up? Get real!

I’m not condoning this behavior, I just can’t understand the ass-backwards anger about this.
i’m sure there are plenty of other sources to know that VISA were bound to face antitrust lawsuits sooner or later.
I still don‘t believe it. I work with DoJ folks. They aren‘t going to talk to anyone. It‘s much more plausible that lots of people in San Francisco know because it‘s pretty obvious when you‘re being investigated for these things. Law firms get calls all the time like „we believe we are being investigated for xxx“
Exactly this.

I’m sure there’s plenty of people around that knew this was coming, and even if they had no “insider information”, the shit VISA have been pulling with regards to selling customer data, etc. is bound to end in a lawsuit sooner or later.