No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.


Verified Warthog
Jan 20, 2021
Happy 20th birthday iPod!

20 years ago CmdrTaco published the immortal “No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.” in response to the iPod — Anyone got a prediction or assessment that stuck in your head like that?

I didn’t have a Mac at the time, nor the money to spare for an iPod. Bought a cheaper MP3 player instead that used CF for storage and had way more functionality. And an awkward interface. Each button had at least three functions, depending on how it was combined with other buttons. It worked as I wasn’t aware of anything else, but I couldn’t look back once I bought an iPod Mini and started using it. Less functions, sure, but the ones it had were sooo convenient to use!

I still prefer the iPod interface over the modern iOS experience when it comes to listening to my music library.
I still have my 2001 iPod. Still works after a self-done battery replacement (I also swapped out the original 5GB HD for a 20GB HD when I did the battery).

I thought of getting an Airfly to use it with Airpods…

I owned a Nomad. I didn’t understand the appeal of the iPod until they came out with the version that worked with PCs. I got sick of the nomad constantly needing its library rebuilt. So I gave it a try. Ended up owning 4 over the years.
I still have my 2001 iPod. Still works after a self-done battery replacement (I also swapped out the original 5GB HD for a 20GB HD when I did the battery).

I thought of getting an Airfly to use it with Airpods…

I admit to sometimes checking eBay for decently used original iPods. Would be fun to play around with one. I’m no stranger to battery upgrades, storage modifications and minor repairs. One day, perhaps.

Thanks for mentioning AirFly. That gives me some ideas. Or maybe I should have said “thanks” rather than thanks. My wallet looked like it was about to scream in agony.

I owned a Nomad. I didn’t understand the appeal of the iPod until they came out with the version that worked with PCs. I got sick of the nomad constantly needing its library rebuilt. So I gave it a try. Ended up owning 4 over the years.
Cool! You are probably the first person I’ve interacted with that officially owned one. Mad respect!
I laughed at the iPod intro as I awaited my "superior" Sony MiniDisc recorder. Thanks Dad! :mad:

First day setting up the MDP let me know I done futzed up. Took forever to record music to the damn discs. I think I wound up doing only two (after buying probably a dozen for my music collection). The controller nearly choked me and was a royal pain in the ass.

Still don't understand how harsh I was on the iPod since I was a true Apple fanatic at that point.
My iPod helped me pass the grad school listening tests needed for a Master’s in music back in ‘02. They play selections from a long list of music from across the centuries, and you have to quickly identify the piece being played.

I loaded them all onto my iPod. I would then shuffle songs randomly and then try to guess them, and then look at the screen to see if I was right. Putting CDs or tapes in a traditional sound system, you already knew what you were going to hear, so it was hard to quiz yourself… plus the iPod was much more portable.