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Let me say, before getting sidetracked on the Trump yard sign issue...I have no problem with this Oregon ballot measure. I think it needs to be tried.

Or, to play devil's advocate, it could be an indication that Trumpers are so confident about their chances this fall that they don't feel a need to post signs.

Oh, I wish I could say that. We're still some 50 days out and they're growing around Ohio like dandelions in the spring. I can't drive down my own street without being sickened by Trump signs and flags. :mad: (Or as I call them, the "I'm with stupid" flags.) 

The ones that get me are the houses with an American flag on one side of the garage and a Trump flag on the other. Jesus Christ, people, make up your minds. You can't support both.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?