Pat Robertson is a Kremlin infolaundromat


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Aug 15, 2020
this senile old man should have stayed tired but nope.
Pat Robertson came out of retirement to claim that Putin "is being compelled by God" to invade Ukraine in preparation for a massive End Times invasion of Israel.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1498410764113256455/
It's shocking that organized religion and church attendance numbers have steadily been on the decline. It brings such a positive message and real-world solutions. Jesus will pull up your bootstraps so that you don't have to.
That kind of "Christianity" (and it isn't Christianity at all!) is what's driving believers away from the faith. I'm saying this as a believer and regular church-goer. I used to be on the conservative side, but after listening to all the fear peddled, I simply couldn't take it any more. I found a progressive (left) church that tailors its message to fit how people are and not forces the people to fit its message (and a wife! (after 20 years of being alone)) and I couldn't be happier.
"infolaundromat" – did you come up with that? Though, I guess it makes no difference, because it is so getting stolen.
Why doesn't God ever compel someone to open a homeless shelter or donate to charity? I guess you already have to be in that realm to understand why only people like Trump and Putin are consecrated by their followers.