Paul Pelosi sold Google shares prior to DOJ antitrust suit

Both sides? I would ask where we have that on this site. We have one Republican member who posts in this area and regularly gets beaten down by this group and no others will touch this site with a 10 ft pole. I'll give you the fact that you're relatively new to this site but it's strictly a Liberal love fest, nobody else with differing opinions are welcome here and that's been made clear, literally every single one of them who has attempted to post here has left as a result.
Eric, surely you have looked at literally every other social media community on the entire internet and seen a pattern in conservative involvement or lack thereof in factual discussion. You are welcome to visit conservative social circles online—r/Conservative, Parler, Twitter feeds of conservative leaders—and try to find actual, factual discussion that does not involve the vilification of Democrats. Good luck.

And that one member gets beaten down for very good reasons. I can point you to a specific thread where his post was given a very fair factual dressing-down and he's refused to return to defend his misrepresentations. In fact he has a pattern of making factually incorrect statements and then simply leaving the thread or not replying to a post that holds him to account. He's not interested in a fair discussion; he doesn't put up with us, we put up with him. And that's just one example of many.

In 2020, Dems first order of business in the House was HR1, which would have made voting a federal holiday.

House Republicans first order of business? Investigate Biden.

That there aren't many conservatives on this site isn't an indictment of who's here or the quality of discussion that happens here; it's simply a representation of politics today. For one side, it's not politics, it's a religion, and the other side is the devil.

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And I would say I observe at least the same thing going back toward Republicans from the Dems.

And sometimes they don't even wait for the facts to come out. After the Monteray Park shooting, Schumer and Schiff has this to say (Tweet):

So blame white supremacy and bigotry and then shut up and go silent when it is revealed the shooter was.......... Asian. But to the drive-by Twitter followers, they never get the rest of the story.
I don't see any villification of Republicans in those quotes. To me what you just posted seems entirely unrelated to this discussion. Are you trying to say we should assume Republicans are white supremacists and bigots?
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I don't see any villification of Republicans in those quotes. To me what you just posted seems entirely unrelated to this discussion. Are you trying to say we should assume Republicans are white supremacists and bigots?
No, but I guarantee you that most white supremacist and bigots are Republicans.
No, but I guarantee you that most white supremacist and bigots are Republicans.
Low-hanging fruit. Let Herd answer. I want to hear his response. His bringing some extremely banal unrelated statements into this discussion is a perfect example of the kind of bizarre dissonance we've have to put up in these political discussions and I want to understand his frame of mind. To bring it back around to this topic, I want to understand what's behind the Herculean mental gymnastics to paint Democrats as ill-intentioned at every turn, whether it's trading stocks or doing something as milquetoast as denouncing bigotry and gun violence.
Low-hanging fruit. Let Herd answer. I want to hear his response.

My response is simple. Neither side has a monopoly on bigotry. That fact that the each side is willing to overlook it when their "tribe" does it is the main reason it won't go away.

But, no i don't think all Republicans are bigots. Simply voting for someone is not an indicator regardless of how much you might want it to be.
My response is simple. Neither side has a monopoly on bigotry. That fact that the each side is willing to overlook it when their "tribe" does it is the main reason it won't go away.

But, no i don't think all Republicans are bigots. Simply voting for someone is not an indicator regardless of how much you might want it to be.
You'll have to state explicitly how Schumer or Schiff's statements relate at all to what you've just said. I don't see any connection.
You'll have to state explicitly how Schumer or Schiff's statements relate at all to what you've just said. I don't see any connection.

They immediately attributed it to bigotry. So people who only saw their tweets assume it was some white guy and that is all they will ever know. Neither corrected their tweets so they just continued to let people believe that was the reason. So people get the idea that bigoted white people did it which not at all accurate.

I surmise that a good portion of people who think Trump is a racist only think so because they heard it somewhere and could not provide a single example of why.

It is all about being first with the narrative.
It's a shame there are Red and Blue sides, ie., political parties. It's like supporting your favorite football team - Go 'Niners! I get why that is.

Sadly it reduces discourse into pretty much two silos where many feel obligated, and/or are indoctrinated, to vote for and defend to the fullest, their favorite team.
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They immediately attributed it to bigotry. So people who only saw their tweets assume it was some white guy and that is all they will ever know. Neither corrected their tweets so they just continued to let people believe that was the reason. So people get the idea that bigoted white people did it which not at all accurate.

I surmise that a good portion of people who think Trump is a racist only think so because they heard it somewhere and could not provide a single example of why.

It is all about being first with the narrative.
Nobody said anything about white people. That's all you.

All the victims were Asian. Who wouldn't surmise bigotry as "a possible motive," as Schiff said? If you are ascribing partisanship to this very innocuous statement, are you saying that the mere suggestion of bigotry at all is a partisan attack on Republicans? Can't you see how bizarre that is?
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I surmise that a good portion of people who think Trump is a racist only think so because they heard it somewhere and could not provide a single example of why.

But, he is. So whether or not they just heard it from a friend and don't have a specific example for why, is very moot.
They immediately attributed it to bigotry. So people who only saw their tweets assume it was some white guy and that is all they will ever know. Neither corrected their tweets so they just continued to let people believe that was the reason. So people get the idea that bigoted white people did it which not at all accurate.

I surmise that a good portion of people who think Trump is a racist only think so because they heard it somewhere and could not provide a single example of why.

It is all about being first with the narrative.
One would have had to be completely isolated for the last six or seven years not to have been aware of examples of his racist statements and behavior.
One would have had to be completely isolated for the last six or seven years not to have been aware of examples of his racist statements and behavior.

Yet, and not wanting to start this again, what Biden has said is completely ignored.
Yet, and not wanting to start this again, what Biden has said is completely ignored.
I've already explained to you why your Biden quotes clearly have nothing to do with racism, and if you want to respond, go to the thread and respond.

Here, we're not getting derailed on Trump's racism. I want to hear from you, Herd, as to why you think Schiff's and Schumer's statements against bigotry are attacks against Republicans. And maybe we might end up back at this thread's original topic of why Paul Pelosi's stock trades are such a partisan issue.

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