'Penis facials' remain Hollywood's most alarming beauty trend


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Aug 15, 2020
beauty, especially when it comes to their skin

From Kim Kardashian’s famous predilection for so-called “vampire facials” to Victoria Beckham’s enthusiasm for bird poo-infused face cream, society’s elite seem willing to go to any lengths to preserve their glowing complexions.

However, Cate Blanchett’s preferred treatment must surely be the winner in the weirdness stakes. It is known simply as “the penis facial”.

And no, this is not a misleading name, it really involves penises – more specifically, the foreskins of newborn Korean babies (you can’t make this stuff up).

beauty, especially when it comes to their skin

From Kim Kardashian’s famous predilection for so-called “vampire facials” to Victoria Beckham’s enthusiasm for bird poo-infused face cream, society’s elite seem willing to go to any lengths to preserve their glowing complexions.

However, Cate Blanchett’s preferred treatment must surely be the winner in the weirdness stakes. It is known simply as “the penis facial”.

And no, this is not a misleading name, it really involves penises – more specifically, the foreskins of newborn Korean babies (you can’t make this stuff up).

Normally I'm railing against people who are famous for absolutely no good reason, with no talent, etc. but I have to hand to Kim here, getting jizzed on like a dumpster is what launched her.
Normally I'm railing against people who are famous for absolutely no good reason, with no talent, etc. but I have to hand to Kim here, getting jizzed on like a dumpster is what launched her.
As profoundly indifferent as I am toward the Cardassians and Jenner, it seems wrong to denigrate her for her proclivities (assuming she was not just working for a paycheck). We are all perverts in the eyes of someone else. My analogy is my strong aversion to green bell peppers, which I understand a alot of people actually like, so it would be wrong of me to call them a crime against humanity.
As profoundly indifferent as I am toward the Cardassians and Jenner, it seems wrong to denigrate her for her proclivities (assuming she was not just working for a paycheck). We are all perverts in the eyes of someone else. My analogy is my strong aversion to green bell peppers, which I understand a alot of people actually like, so it would be wrong of me to call them a crime.
Denigrate? Not a chance, I'm applauding her for sticking with her strengths here.
It's surprising how red, yellow and orange are wonderful additions to any meal, but most times green bell peppers aren't.
But because all 3 are so brightly colored and have so few calories, they’re used in so much!

Sorry to hijack the the thread, but it’s time to start a bell pepper haters club!
When I was a young'un, my go-to beverage was tomato juice. I loved the stuff. Then one day, my mother made a tomato aspic with dinner, and it might have been ok except she put green pepper in it. That put me off tomato juice ever after.