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The nonsense from Gabbard goes along with Russian propaganda that Ukraine is making bio weapons and Russia needs to stop them.

Russia is murdering civilians using her talking points as an excuse.

But you don’t “take issue” with it?

And a couple cable-news blowhards saying she should be censored (I assume… I didn’t see such calls myself) is of more concern to you than her giving air to Russian propaganda in the face of their slaughter of civilians?

To be absolutely clear, no government official in America is locking up Tulsi Gabbard. She hasn’t been barred from Fox. She hasn’t had her Twitter account revoked. She’s not in jail. But somehow you think this is no different than Russian censorship? Take a breath, look around, turn on the TV, see that we clearly have a free press, and on any day you can find a right-winger telling a left-winger they should be censored or vice versa… and yet it never happens because… the system works. I’m free to say that I wish Mr. X should be censored and Mr. X is free to say that I should be censored. In reality, nobody is being censored by the American government.

And BTW, Fox’s propaganda and lies aren’t just “on them” - they are dangerous and the pandemic has shown us clearly how dangerous they are. They are giving support to Russia, with Carlson appearing on their state TV.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?