Reporter hit by SUV while on Live TV

This is/was a local reporter. This was her last day before moving to Pittsburgh.

It's a variation of an old idea. "Don't let the car slam you in the ass on the way out." :LOL:

Seriously, glad she was okay. But I'll bet she was sore the next day.

I often think about stuff like this when I see reporters doing (often unnecessary) standup outdoors.
On-air reporters never should be expected to just go out there alone and do a standup without at least one other person with them, particularly a cameraman so that they can concentrate on what they're reporting about and don't have to be thinking about trying to manage several different technical functions (video, sound, etc.) all at the same time while actually live on the broadcast. This is truly dangerous and maybe this will finally spur some badly-needed changes in the industry. Trying to save money on personnel is fine up to a point but not when it endangers an employee's life.

Good to know that she is OK but the individual whose vehicle struck her needs to be cited for a moving violation, if nothing else. He or she could've killed or seriously injured her!
Glad she seems to be intact, though it's sometimes easy to overlook injuries in the heat of the moment. From the video, it seems the reporter was talking to the driver and telling her everything was OK, though I hope she got her contact and insurance information.
Ah, so the person driving the SUV was a woman? I didn't watch the video. I agree with you that they should have exchanged contact info and insurance details and that the driver's insurance company will be responsible for paying up for any injuries sustained. Clearly it was the driver of the SUV's fault all the way as the reporter was simply standing there doing her online broadcast report.
They did a story on her and other than being sore, she was fine. No broken bones or major injuries.

She was actually in a parking lot of an apartment complex when it happened. I am seeing more and more reporters out with just a tripod and a camera doing live broadcasts. Cheaper to send one than two I guess.
Oh wow, what a story. Kind of stupid on both sides, driver and victim. Glad she wasn’t seriously hurt.