Rumor: new notch hole position/sizes for next iPhone

Not sure about anyone else's experience but while I know the notch is there I never look for nor notice it.
I went from the 8 Plus to the 12 Pro Max and I noticed the notch for a whole 5 minutes, then it kind of just disappeared. I really don't mind it at all. However I find the hole punch to be rather ugly. It reminds me too much of Samsung. I feel like Apple wouldn't want to get rid of the notch. It's a very distinguishing look and has kind of become iconic of the iPhone design. It would seem weird to go copy a Samsung look.
Not for the phone, but for the iPad, the thing I want is a gooseneck camera that resides in a trough in one of the short bezels. Lying in the trough, it would be aimed at a mirror, so that facetime could happen just so, but when you want to use it to take a picture or video, you can lift it out and aim it easily, without looking like such an idiot.
I went from the 8 Plus to the 12 Pro Max and I noticed the notch for a whole 5 minutes…
I’ll be going from a 7 Plus to a 12 soon and hope to have the same experience.

I’ll miss TouchID a whole lot more than I’ll notice the notch, I think.
I’ll be going from a 7 Plus to a 12 soon and hope to have the same experience.

I’ll miss TouchID a whole lot more than I’ll notice the notch, I think.
I don't miss TouchID at all. FaceID is soooo much better. It's instant and rarely ever fails for me. TouchID would only work half the time for me. And forget about it if your fingers have even the slightest bit of moisture on them.
I’ll be going from a 7 Plus to a 12 soon and hope to have the same experience.

I’ll miss TouchID a whole lot more than I’ll notice the notch, I think.
That will be a huge jump, you'll definitely see a difference in speed and quality. I do miss TouchID too but FaceID is pretty quick and easy once you get used to it and you'll tune the notch out in no time.
I’ll be going from a 7 Plus to a 12 soon and hope to have the same experience.

I’ll miss TouchID a whole lot more than I’ll notice the notch, I think.

I sometimes a skip a generation (or two), so that my upgrade is more impactful (you know, assuming I'm not having a terrible experience with the current device). I went 3 generations that last time, from an iPhone X to an iPhone 13 Pro Max (skipping the XS, 11, and 12), it was pretty amazing (even though the X is still a solid device), mostly in terms of the camera improvements.