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I’m not sure most of these celebrities will have any liability. I would think most of them had no idea fraud was taking place. At least some of them may have lost money in the collapse. Obviously if they knew this was all a scam, they should be held accountable, but I suspect that’s not the case. Considering, nearly all financial experts and the government were fooled by FTX, certainly I wouldn’t expect actors and athletes to know what was happening. Considering all the connections FTX and the money they offered to pay, one would likely assume they’re a legitimate enterprise.

I think the biggest threat these celebs face is repetitional damage. Good luck ever finding another paid endorsement anytime soon, if ever. If I were in one of these celebs shoes and wanted to demonstrate my regret, I would take the endorsement money I was paid and return it to the customers- not that it would really make a financial difference to anyone who lost money. But that’s the only reasonable thing you could do to ameliorate the situation.

You would think given all the scams and BS that occurs in the cryptocurrency market, celebrities would not want to get involved.

My dad worked on Wallstreet for years and has always advised not to get involved with cryptocurrencies. I’m glad I took his advice.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?