Sarah Palin is joining the crowded race for Alaska’s lone congressional seat


Mama's lil stinker
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Aug 10, 2020
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Oh sweet Jesus here we go again.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1510050662498902017/
Great. I hope Alaskans adopt an old slogan of Nancy Reagan and "just say no".

Aren't Republican-leaning voters ever going to get back to wanting congressional representation that works to get something done besides trying to "own the libs" ??
Aren't Republican-leaning voters ever going to get back to wanting congressional representation that works to get something done besides trying to "own the libs" ??
Probably not as long as Facebook and Fox News exist.
Probably not as long as Facebook and Fox News exist.

I wonder sometimes how it would have gone with Fox News if James Murdoch rather than Lachlan had ended up with oversight of the Fox properties.

But not to derail this thread from its focus on Sarah Palin.

What the Alaskan voters should keep in mind is that Palin may have in mind using a Congressional seat as just a placeholder, so more a springboard for another shot at the US Presidency... maybe not 2024.

One may well wonder if voters (in either party) do get tired of having their potential legislative voice supplanted by representatives with "higher" political goals, i.e., people who from the get-go are actually focused on getting or regaining traction for a future campaign for either the US Senate or Presidency.​
Seems to me over the years that pols in both parties have been shameless about denying such intentions and then proceeding to put the lie to their dismissive responses when journos inquire.​

It's not even clear yet whether Palin means to run only in that special election to fill out Young's term, or also for the 2022 election for a full term. In the meantime she appears to be demonstrating her usual liking for the spotlight and some insouciance about rules of the road regarding covid...

Palin’s path to Congress will be complicated. The special primary is scheduled for June 11 — but it’s open to any party affiliation. The top four vote-getters will advance to the special general election on Aug. 16. The special general election winner will be determined by ranked-choice voting.

The winner will only serve for a few months, the remaining portion of Young’s term.

In 2016, NBC News reported that she had expressed interest and been in touch with Trump transition officials about a potential role with the administration.

More recently, she was in the news for her defamation lawsuit against The New York Times. She has lost two court battles so far.

While in New York for the court proceedings, Palin came under fire for returning to a city restaurant two days after she tested positive for Covid-19. She was seen dining indoors even though she was not vaccinated against the virus.
I want to see her win the election, then team up with Boebert and Greene. We'll all probably die by the end, but it'll be hilarious up until that point.
I want to see her win the election, then team up with Boebert and Greene. We'll all probably die by the end, but it'll be hilarious up until that point.

The campaign might be pretty hilarious, but really, if she won, I would truly despair for this country.

Wasn't Trump enough of a reality TV experience?
She single-handedly lost the presidency for John McCain. Let's hope she still has that aura of failure surrounding her.

Hahaha, even in a digital image, I can feel the dumb emanating from her ...
Well I feel the cowardice emanating from an entire political party that's too afraid to ditch The Don and run some candidates worthy of representing interests of real Americans trying to keep body and soul together, roof overhead and money left over for a movie and popcorn.

Trump is a guy who tried to overthrow the government when he lost a re-election bid. I'm still slack-jawed he wasn't tried properly and removed from office the second time he was impeached. And yet the GOP officially still considers him their choice as nominal head of the party.

I'm also not impressed so far with the spate of media pieces that keep saying the Dems will get their clocks cleaned in the 2022 elections. That's a traditional safe bet for midterms in the USA, but these are not traditional times and the Republicans are getting so bizarre now they might be too far out ahead of the crazy curve to be taken seriously... especially since half of them don't take government itself seriously and the other half think it means only their party should get to write the laws. No wonder that in some states the GOP legislatures craft laws saying "no matter who won, we're going to assume the office".​
Also: Georgia just passed a bill saying you don't need a background check or license to buy a handgun. Now that sounds like an interesting recipe for life in an America so steeped in rage that people can't even manage a civil argument in a store over "the mask issue". Sure, having a handgun acquired without license or background inquiry will fix that situation right up.​

Tell you what though. If Sarah Palin runs for president sometime against Amy Klobuchar, I am more than willing to make time to watch the two of them debate.
Wasn't Trump enough of a reality TV experience?

Obviously, he wasn't. You know it's only a matter of time before we elect Honey Boo-Boo for the presidency.

...and that? That's when you know things are gonna get real.
Great. The Clint Eastwood of dumb politicians. The godmother of folks like MTG and that other goof.
The previous office holder was the longest-serving active member of Congress when he died. 49 years in the seat. If the voters of Alaska value steadiness and consistency, I doubt they would be interested in Palin. But who knows?