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Without a doubt.  About 1 month in I had a filling come out.  It was an old one from when they liked to drill to the center of the earth.  So a new cavity was growing under it.

Long story short, I ended up with a root canal and a crown.  Nice thing about the crown was there was no temporary.  They used some camera thing that made a 3D pic of the old tooth and then a 3D pic of it when they had prepped it for the crown.  Then some sort of machine cut the crown from a solid little block of porcelain and after a test fit it was baked and ready to install.

But finding a dentist was a PITA.  The first one I went to just didn't have a good vibe to me.  Can't really describe it, but something seemed off.  Liked the second one, but they had to schedule me back a week later and the whole time I am just waiting to bite something wrong and have the tooth break.  At that point, it is an implant, not a crown.

But they didn't like the look under one my other crown, so going back in later this fall to have it cut off and probably replaced.

Already have a doctor in Phoenix.  My daughter's baby sitter from the time she was a year old is a PA in Scottsdale and she got us in with a doctor she knows well.  Yeah its an hour + drive, but from everything I have heard about doctors here is they like to push scripts and while I am not anti-pharmaceuticals, I just remember taking my parents to their doctor visits with their bag of drugs.  That will not be me.

Back to COVID.  I am surprised it hit you this hard.  Same with you [USER=72]@rdrr[/USER].  I figured after all the boosters it would be mild.  I have not had any boosters, just the first 2 shots and both times I knew I had it, it was relatively mild.  Now the time before when I think I had it, or whatever it was, hit pretty hard.  Must be a new variant.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?