Station Eleven (2021 HBO)


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Aug 11, 2020
Station Eleven (HBO)


This is what I said after watching 4 episodes:
Generally speaking is not the type of story telling I prefer. This post apocalyptic show about the aftermath of a world wide killer flu is slow with (so far 4 episodes) almost total focus on the experience of the character, a lot of situational pressure and the emotions of the world is falling apart, with a bit too much past life for at least one of the characters. It is still interesting to watch the transistion into this new life for the primary character, but imo for more than one character it approaches overkill, unless this is what the story wants to be about.

Of note, in contrast to the other post apocalyptic shows I’ve watched, the setting is eerily serene vs general conflict, although they are not in the city and the main character always walks around equipped with a knife ready for trouble. It appears that the most of the people died in the pandemic.

With 10 episodes, in episode 3 an event takes place with a stranger, someone known as the Prophet, that becones serious in episode 4. As far as I’ve gotten, this seems to be a growing conflict something other than watching the post apocalyptic lives of “the traveling symphony”. So I like the portrayal and the atmosphere and because it is mini-series I can make it though and see if this becomes noteworthy.

After finishing the Mini-series, this is what I say:
This is a pretty amazing work of art and I base this on some significant Caveats:
  • If you can become vested in a story set in a post-apocalyptic future, NOT based on conflict, although there is conflict.
  • But mostly focused on human relationships, emotions, ties, and the best of how human beings treat one another, while having flaws.
  • And if you don't mind the story jumping around almost continuously over a 20 year period (eventually all the blanks are filled in).
You just might finish this emotionally impressed by the quality and the premise of this story. We turned it off after knowing we saw something special, but I really don't expect many of the viewers who want action and conflict to appreciate this kind of a story. If you want the Post Man, Mad Max Fury Road, or Water World, you will be disappointed. Hell it took me 5 episodes to acclimate, Episode 5 was really excellent. :)
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Reviews for this are really good across the board. That said, I just don't have the appetite for a series around survivors of a deadly virus. Too close to home for me after the last couple of years.
We were going to start, but we waded back into Ozarks for a full refresh before S04 starts :D
Reviews for this are really good across the board. That said, I just don't have the appetite for a series around survivors of a deadly virus. Too close to home for me after the last couple of years.
No issue with this feeling, but I’ll say this is so much different, a virus that basically ends civilization because one in a thousand survive, that for myself makes this is story disconnected from the COVID reality and plus I have no close family member who died from it, and for all intents and purposes, we still have a functionary civilization.

With this kind of a story, I was thinking, in a city the size of Houston (6M), there would still be 6k left And based on the size of Houston 671SM, that would still be statically 9 people per square mile instead of 32k per square mile. What that would mean in my neighborhood of about 60k people, there would still be 60 people to start a settlement. :unsure:

One interesting aspect of discussion if you ever do watch it is, does this story go soft on conflict? Conflict is referenced, but it is mostly pushed aside to focus on humanity who works together to survive. But I have no doubt in real life we would see war lords arise, think Postman or Mad Max Fury Road, which I have a hankering to watch again. :)