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Just not really any interest.  We've owned 4 BMWs, the Tesla is something totally different.  The i4 design looks like all the other ICE 3/4 series (including weirdly unnecessary ICE design elements), the interior isn't nearly as spacious - whether that's measured or perceived it's the same to me - as our TM3 (the BMW interior retained some ICE-ish-ness, it lacks that super open canopy ratio).  I find the Tesla way more interesting, some mix of the car, performance, tech and company pushes my buttons more.   A buddy if mine, who is the in the position to get an i4 if he desired, has the same perspective.

Then the real deal killer: the (DCFC) charging network, it's not even close (at least in the US).

I definitely would consider a BMW EV in the future, like about 2 year out - which will also be a good point to determine how the charging infrastructure has developed - it's just not what I'd want right now. :)

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?