Thanks to nutbag Republicans CA will have non-stop ads for the rest of the year over Newsom recall


Mama's lil stinker
Top Poster Of Month
Aug 10, 2020
Main Camera
It's a total shitshow of clowns, from Caitlyn Jenner selling out her own people to Jon Cox running around with a grizzly bear (yes, he's actually touring with this poor bear in captivity) and asshole Republicans in the valley are directly responsible. We just went through a flood of political ads with the last election and now they're already starting to dominate the airwaves again. :brickwall:
It's a total shitshow of clowns, from Caitlyn Jenner selling out her own people to Jon Cox running around with a grizzly bear (yes, he's actually touring with this poor bear in captivity) and asshole Republicans in the valley are directly responsible. We just went through a flood of political ads with the last election and now they're already starting to dominate the airwaves again. :brickwall:
Where did you get that picture? Did you steal it from the cubicle wall of an over-the-hill secretary who never truly transitioned from typewriter to computer and needs a younger worker to help her whenever she needs to do a mail merge?
I imagine the further you get away from the coast the more you are going to get pummeled with that type thing.

A few years back I went to a chili cook-off about 2 hours south of the Bay Area, deep in farmer/rancher/military base country. I was keenly aware of the Trump supporter vibe. Being on their turf I also realized I really don’t know what their issues are, legit issues – not attitude problem. But I also realized they don’t know what my issues are either. I think their media gives them the impression us big city liberals are living the high life completely problem-free and in our free time enjoy trying to destroy their way of life.

FACT. Being an elite while railing against the elites and complaining elites are leaving because they can't stand seeing all the peasantry in their misery.