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Don’t worry, the republicans have you covered. You can’t convict Trump for insurrection because it happened when he was in office and - according to his supporters - you can’t prosecute a candidate who’s running, a sitting president or a former president if their crimes were committed in office.

This reads to me as “they’re all bad”, which is the fuel Trump needs as he continues his downward spiral. That’s the whole theme of the Biden impeachment show - “Biden is bad too.” You can admit democrats and politics writ large have issues to deal with, but when it’s wannabe dictator vs. experienced, traditional statesmen, you have to focus on urgency.

I suppose Trump does have his things his supporters think are urgent too, especially if you think returning America to a whitewashed nation is of upmost importance.

If Trump wasn’t so clearly corrupt and awful, republicans wouldn’t have to spend so much time trying (and failing) to prove others are too.

Also, we don’t even know everything - think about that. Get all the dirt you have on Biden and compare it to Trump. It’s not even close, Biden’s rap sheet is a post-it note, Trump’s is a ten pound coffee table book. And as the trials get underway, more scheming will be uncovered. He may yet face charges in other states.

And, of course, many republicans have said all of this means nothing anyways and will tell you “There is nothing Trump has done or will do that will cause me to not vote for him.”

Hey, maybe I’m in a cult too, but I can easily give you a list of a minimum of 50 things Biden could do to lose my vote, and most of them are things already done by Trump. So I’m looking forward to the defenses of Trump as more info surrounding his numerous crimes is revealed.

I welcome republicans proving Biden is a criminal, but they’ve literally proved less than nothing thus far.

There is no comparison.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?