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This is why I don’t take this stuff seriously. The reason Wall Street ousted Gelsinger is much more likely to be very simple: they’re impatient and there is simply no world where Intel is going to turn a ton of profit anytime soon short of shuttering or slowing fab capex and milking the design unit on TSMC wafers (and even older nodes) with incremental improvement to slow the advance of Arm laptops & AMD in servers.

I’m sure he wasn’t perfect but people are reading too much into this. Turning around Intel is more like turning around Boeing than it is idk, what Ballmer and Nadella have done for Microsoft on the enterprise end or whatever. At least if you actually care about the fabs. Otherwise they can milk it like IBM until they’re acquired for nothing in the 30’s, which to be honest will happen to the design unit regardless, it’s just a question of where their fab orders and revenue go in the short term. I’d like to see that burnt off towards something actually good rather than the shareholders here.

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?