There is a solution

I don't think they'll ever be "willing" to pay their fair share, unfortunately.

There is no fair share. They just need to start donating so that minorities can move to areas with low minority representation.
There is no fair share. They just need to start donating so that minorities can move to areas with low minority representation.

We just need to take back the Senate and then write some damn legislation that tightens up the tax loopholes that now let a couple hundred billion a year disappear tax free into the Caymans. All these damn whiners about taxes... taxes are like 80% lower than they were in 1980 for god's sake.

And we need to turn some states a little more purple. I've thought for a long time that the best way to "fix" states like... oh, say, Kansas... would be for a whole bunch of broke progressives to pull up stakes from wherever they are now, and go form some theatre companies or cooperative goat cheese or salad greens farms or whatever. And then vote blue, blue, blue for every post from school boards and town councils on up to governors and congress critters. Sure they'd probably have to round up some conservative Dems to run against unopposed Rs at first... but even that would get the pendulum back to a reasonable range.