Transcend flush SD card for Macs


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Sep 26, 2021
Main Camera
Picked up the 512GB version of this for my M1 MBP. Got it from B&H, where i was on a waiting list (the 512GB version was apparently in short supply).

I’m using carbon copy cloner to back up my docs directory nightly to the card, as a third-order backup (I also use Time Machine onto two network drives at home, and once a month back up the whole drive to an external SSD with Carbon copy closer at work. Main reason is because I had a weird issue with a Word bug a few weeks back where a file got lost and I had to retrieve a prior version of a document from a Time Machine - luckily there was a Time Machine copy on the mac, itself, because I didn’t want to go home and retrieve it off my NAS.

The fit is very good. Sticks out by about a mm. The speed isn’t great, but since I am doing incremental backups it works fine for me.

I don’t use the SD card slot for anything else, so I’m just going to keep the card in there. (I use an external combo CF Express Type A/SD reader for reading cards from my cameras).
