Trump: “Hitler did a lot of good things”

Thomas Veil

Aug 13, 2020
At least according to a new book.

(Gen.) Kelly was "stunned" by Trump's assertion, according to Bender, and when Kelly told him he was wrong Trump "was undeterred," praising Hitler's efforts to revive the German economy in the 1930s.

Let’s see the Trumpers defend this one.

In 1990, Vanity Fair reported that Trump's now ex-wife Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a book of Hitler's speeches, called "My New Order," near his bed.

I feel like this is one of the least-surprising stories about Trump I've heard. I'm amazed at the sheer list of things that Trump has both said and done that republicans just shrug their shoulders at. The way they used to parse anything and everything people said to make them "America haters" before Trump was aggravating. Here's someone who comes along and says McCain wasn't a war hero, asks if America is "so innocent?" in defense of Russia and Putin, refuses to admit Putin and Russia interfered in our elections, talks abut how he fell "in love" with Kim Jong Un.... that's stuff he's said in public, on camera. So imagine what he says behind closed doors or when nobody is watching.

This is a small-minded fool who's not very bright, a simpleton's idea of public office, who seems to think fondly of dictators and authoritarian regimes.