Updated rumor re: apple foldable phone.


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Sep 26, 2021
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This is the same guy who tweeted the hole punch screen rumor. He’s been very accurate re: display rumors for multiple manufacturers, including Apple, in the past.

I have no interest in going back to a flip phone.
I have no interest in going back to a flip phone.
If apple could somehow magically make a phone where you can see the screen without unfolding, and it is the same size as an iphone, and it unfolds into a small tablet, my old eyes would be thankful.
If apple could somehow magically make a phone where you can see the screen without unfolding, and it is the same size as an iphone, and it unfolds into a small tablet, my old eyes would be thankful.
Even two iPhones are smaller than an iPad mini. I’ll stick to my candy bar format and have a phone and an iPad.
I would love an iPhone that folds out to become an iPad Mini similar to the Samsung Fold.