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Poor WB...   but I'm sure by now he's among us, perhaps having appropriated some ex-MR's moniker.

Heh, been waiting for JK to figure out that's an option.   But he'd give himself away via high count of meme postings.

[spoiler=But I, on the other hand] If I ever get banned from here I'm coming back as what's his name, the dolorous guy who got banned for something or other so long ago,  maybe for just being so morose all the time.  Mind you I'd only adopt his name and certainly not his world views.   I think he may have got gone over repeated failure to support an assertion in 2016 that HRC was fond of "eliminating living adversaries".  That was when mods at that other place were still somewhat more into fact-checking.

The reason I figure I could get away with using him as my backup persona over here?  No one including me remembers his MR moniker any more (but I got enough keywords to look him up off some post snapshots, believe me) and anyway he's been gone for 5 years and even he would forget who he was at MR by now.[/spoiler]

Number of states in our country minus the number of Supreme Court Justices?